Finally finished

Sunday 17 October 2010
It's funny how some projects seem to drag on and on. Without a self imposed deadline (eg a specific event to wear a garment to), my motivation can sometimes wane and that's certainly the case with this jacket. When I made the black lace and cotton version of jacket 129 of Burda 9-08 I did it in a week because I had a special dinner to wear it to, however this white cotton version took much longer. But it's done (just imagine me doing a little happy dance):

Funny too how using the exact same pattern and same techniques doesn't always mean the same results either! For some reason, probably due to a lighter weight fabric, this version seems a little more boxy around the body and bulky around the shoulders, but when I tried taking it in a little at all the seams I found it became too constrictive and I couldn't stand in my favourite daily pose, which is this:

Ah, yes I admit I do usually have this bossy look about me!

I always like to wear a new garment a few times to see how it feels after a few hours and how it looks with various outfits, so I'm not giving up on this as yet but I think this jacket looks pretty good as is so hopefully there won't be any need for reworking it. I made it in a white poly-cotton with a fine red pinstripe through it, picked up in an opshop or garage sale a few years ago. It's amazing how versatile a red striped jacket can be - I think it will look good with grey, navy, black or even a red skirt/dress if I feel like being matchy matchy (which is often!). Maybe even dark denim jeans for a more casual look outside of work too.

I chose to go with horizontal stripes instead of the typical vertical since I have seen many RTW jackets like this lately, but my choice of pattern wasn't too smart, selected only because I had traced the pattern pieces out, had recent success with this pattern and hadn't put the pattern away yet. Hmmm, not really good reasons are they?

I think the exercise of matching all those seams was a major drain on my energy in making this, because I became a bit obsessed with getting it right. Even though that meant sewing some seams several times over! But check out the front and back matching of the princess seams and raglan should seams:

although the shoulder where all those seams meet is a right mess. Luckily it is mostly covered by the collar, because look at this:

When I first started sewing my goal was to make my clothes look as good as RTW, but now I want to make them look better which makes the effort of matching stripes worth it. My husband has a few midpriced pinstriped suits ($600-$800) and no attempt has been made at all to match the stripes at shoulders, which I think lessens the overall look. It's probably only something a sewist would notice!

But maybe I'm just being hyper critical and a tad negative this week. I am so exhausted at the moment that doing anything feels like too much. Usual cause - Anna's very poor sleeping, combined with some long hours at work last week and I feel like I need to volunteer for an induced coma just to catch up! We've moved Anna from her cot into a bed based on the logic that sleeps ok in our bed, but it turns out that's because we're in the bed, not the bed itself. Hmmm, should have seen that coming. So now she not only has crying episodes every few hours through the night, she also jumps out of her very comfortable and very expensive pillowtop mattress and comes running down the hall to get our attention.

Do you realise it's only 9 weeks until Christmas? 69 days to be exact, according to this countdown. All I want for Christmas this year is a child who sleeps without protest for more than 2 hours at a time. Oh, and world peace. Is that asking too much?


  1. I think people with children world agree peace would be a breeze if they tortured leaders with a child who won't sleep for a few weeks...
    Love the jacket.... I think red goes with just about anything (except brown.. I don't do brown).
    I am amazed at your fantastic matching skills but really always impressed that you work, have your daughter and sew beautifully crafted pieces.
    Really lovely Kristy.

  2. The jacket is amazing! Those stripes are perfect - even across the collar!! Beautiful work! I have no advice, only sympathy and understanding for your Anna plight. My 2 year old is STILL waking in the night for snuggles. On a positive note, my 4 year old does sleep through the night well, and he did it all on his own at about 2 1/2. Both my children are definitely of the "spirited" variety. You will sleep again!

  3. *LOL* at the world peace portion of the Anna comment! I have no guidance for you regarding that but you do have my sympathies.

    Now the jacket on the other hand is absolutely fantastically fabulous! I understand how you got tired of matching all of those stripes but seriously wasn't it worth it in the end! I love the jacket's versatility and how it works with so many different colors. BTW, I totally understand the working with the last pattern again!!!

    Between you and Claudine, you have me aching to pull out this striped silk that I bought to use for a jacket. Fantastic job!!!

  4. Super job of matching the stripes. Jacket looks very good on you and I love the stripes. Just the right size.

  5. well, I'm impressed! I think the jacket is lovely. I just cut out a pair of red shorts that I'd wear it with if you decide you can't live with the mismatched (ha!) stripes!

  6. Great jacket and congratulations on matching the stripes. I've started noticing unmatched patterns in store bought clothing too. And if it is 69 days to Christmas, it is only 49 days to Channukah. Help!

  7. I love that jacket! Well done.

    You poor tired mommy you. Do people Ferberize their non-sleeping little ones any more? Dr. Ferber's technique for getting babies to sleep was popular in the early 90s when my Annie was a baby. It worked for us, but he may be out of favor now. At any rate, Annie is now 17 and ever since her Ferberization she's slept like a rock every night. Baby #2 never was a problem, but from age 3 to 12 he crawled into bed with us at 2:30 a.m. every night. We quickly learned to sleep through his intrusions. Hang in there!

  8. How beautiful - and how wonderfully constructed. Just lovely

  9. I looks great. Good job matching the strips. I don't think it looks boxy on you.

  10. I am surprised you could match the front princess seam. Not that you don't have the skills (of course you do) but that the pattern would not be able to. Looks great. Beautiful work. Sorry I can't help with Anna. And no, I won't take her for the weekend!! lol

  11. Hello, her coat was very good, and world peace is more easily achieved than a full night's sleep.
    But now, rsss, my daughter has four years and now I worry about having to stay up all night waiting for when she is a teenager.
    Lucky for us, seamstresses and mothers, which has the same problems in any lgar the world.


    Eilane - Brasil

  12. I bow down to your stripe matching persistence! I find striped and plaid projects make me bored and tired, too. The end result is nice but it's so tedious to sew them!

  13. WOW--the matching is very very very impressive! wear with pride!
