Ever had a case of the blahs when it comes to writing something, anything, on your blog? That's me at the moment - I have a few projects to share but can hardly think of a blog title let alone some interesting and intelligent sentences. I think the zombie stage of new motherhood has finally claimed me because I'm feeling quite tired and weary at the moment. Unbelievably Toby seems to be growing some teeth and he has been so grumpy during the day that I end up holding him all day long, which is quite an effort since he weighs so much. Thankfully he still sleeps well at night, only waking once or twice but his sister, who used to be a terror at night has now started having night terrors so she's also waking once or twice a night too which makes for a tiring night. It's still not as bad as the days when Anna was sleeping badly, so really you'd think I'd be able to handle this stage better......
Soldiering on though, I've been making a few more skirts for Anna because her favourite skirt, a purple tiered ruffle skirt bought from Target last year is just too short now but she won't let it go because apparently it twirls the best. All those dirndl skirts I made for Anna thinking I was so clever for using up largish fabric scraps are apparently 'broken' because they don't twirl enough! So I've been searching for a full, twirly skirt without resorting to a full circle skirt since they use a fair bit of fabric and too much mathematics for my tired brain at the moment.

And it meets with approval, if you measure happiness by the width of the smile:
It's probably a tad bit too long, sitting just below her knees but she is growing so tall so quickly that it won't take too long before it's just right. And it doesn't stop her engaging in her usual whirlwind of activity either:
And now I need to get back to my Burda challenge projects, I'm so excited that I've nearly caught up with it. The May project is done and just needs to be photographed, the June project only needs a zipper, and the July project is almost done as well. This may just be a self imposed challenge that I actually stick with (unlike many other good resolutions I've had over the years).
Soldiering on though, I've been making a few more skirts for Anna because her favourite skirt, a purple tiered ruffle skirt bought from Target last year is just too short now but she won't let it go because apparently it twirls the best. All those dirndl skirts I made for Anna thinking I was so clever for using up largish fabric scraps are apparently 'broken' because they don't twirl enough! So I've been searching for a full, twirly skirt without resorting to a full circle skirt since they use a fair bit of fabric and too much mathematics for my tired brain at the moment.
I even let Anna into my sewing room and let her pick out some fabric to increase the chances of it becoming her favourite. This was probably a mistake because now she thinks all the fabric in there is going to become something for her - "what are you going to make for me from this fabric mummy?" is what she keeps asking. Little does she know that my stash is so huge that she'll probably be making things for herself from that fabric for the rest her life as well as mine!
I used Burda 1/2009 #138, which is a simple double layer gathered full skirt with a waist yoke. Anna picked out a black and pink butterfly printed linen that was bought on sale and has been in the stash for ages waiting for the right use, and I used a bright pink cotton poplin for the underskirt to make this:

And it meets with approval, if you measure happiness by the width of the smile:
It's probably a tad bit too long, sitting just below her knees but she is growing so tall so quickly that it won't take too long before it's just right. And it doesn't stop her engaging in her usual whirlwind of activity either:
And now I need to get back to my Burda challenge projects, I'm so excited that I've nearly caught up with it. The May project is done and just needs to be photographed, the June project only needs a zipper, and the July project is almost done as well. This may just be a self imposed challenge that I actually stick with (unlike many other good resolutions I've had over the years).