wow everyone, I'm completely overwhelmed by the sheer number of joyous and warm comments left to my last post - thank you all so much for taking the time to congratulate someone you only know 'virtually'!
well little Anna is now a week old, and changing all the time (losing that screwed up newborn look thankfully). Of course it hasn't been all beer and skittles since we've been home, which I totally expected (hence my new mantra of the title post!). My milk only came in the day before yesterday so she has been doing what the midwives called a feeding frenzy - wanting a feed or to be settled practially 45 minutes out of every night time hour because she wasn't getting enough each time. So not much sleep was had for the first few days but luckily she is settled during the day so I could catch up on the zzzz's. Last night she was much better, going 2 - 3 hours between feeds so I could actually sleep a bit.
But I haven't exactly bought her home to a safe little cocoon - the builders are busy working away the hardest I've seen them, with at least three different things going on at once as opposed to one thing going on over three weeks LOL! At this stage they think they'll be finished in a few weeks, but the bad news is that they have started on the inside works to connect the existing house to the new extension, so we now have half a lounge room and even more furniture in weird spots that are out of the way of the building works.
To make matters worse my in laws are staying with us for three weeks (despite me emphasing the current state of the house), so we have 4 adults, a newborn baby and a dog in a building zone that has now usable area of the size of a large studio apartment! So I'm a bit stressed out having an audience watch everything I do with the baby, especially since they only want to hold her when she is quiet and hand her back quick smart when she cries, so I look forward to retreating to my bedroom to feed her, it's become my little sanctuary of peace and quiet. We had to dismantle the baby's room to fit the in laws in, so her bassinet and change table are crammed in our bedroom which is all very cozy to say the least!
Oscar the wonder dog has been great though - he lays besides her cot and as soon as she makes a noise he runs over to me and whimpers. Sure beats a baby monitor any day! And he is gentle with his sniffing of her, so I think the introduction has gone well:

You can see in the photo the yellow pair of the pyjamas I made using the
BWOF pattern (the wrap around top) a while ago, these pyjamas are an absolute god send for feeding, too bad I didn't make them in plainer fabric so I could wear them out and about! Oh and someone asked me in a comment a little while ago what BWOF meant - it refers to the Burda World of Fashion sewing magazine, obviously you haven't been exposed to the joys of it but you should track down a copy it is totally worth it (and the start of a dangerous obsession).
In response to some other comments, we call the baby just Anna, Mei is just her middle name that will probably be rarely used. No particular reason for the name or family connection, I just like the sound of it and it supposedly means 'beautiful' in Chinese.
And Lisa you're so right about losing the baby weight - I've already dropped 10kg in a week which I'm pretty sure was helped by all the feeding I've been doing (plus the workout of getting out of bed and walking around jiggling the baby trying to soothe her!). Only another 1okg to go to get to my pre baby weight....
Anna's hair is surprisingly a light brown, and not the dark black Chinese hair I was expecting. I know they lose their hair and it comes back different so we'll see what she ends up with, but it will be a real shock if she turns out a red head too!
Sadly all my sewing stuff has been packed up to fit the in laws in the house so no sewing until the works are done, but I am already revising the stash contents and going through patterns for when I can sit down and get cracking at not only baby clothes but new clothes for me - I'm not going to need my suits or heels this year and the wardrobe of a stay at home mum (SAHM) is a whole new challenge for me! I'm going to try to go down Erica Bunker's path and being a sassy stylish SAHM, even if it is only for going to the shops or the doctors!
So excuse me all while I post sporadically for the next few weeks, but I am reading your blogs to steal some of your mojo for when I can back into action....
Anyway must go, I can hear the little angel stirring and pretty soon she'll turn from this to a screaming devil!

She's so beautiful! OMG imagine if she had asian features with red hair :)
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh!!! That is one beautiful baby with a very precious smile...
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear you have a house full of in laws and work men. That can be so frustrating and on top of it you are beyond tired.
Just after my daughter was born we added on to our house but my husband and his friend were doing all the work themselves after they got home from their daytime job. So there was a lot of hammering, sheetrock dust and a house full of people all at the time of day when I ran out of steam since I was up all night and most of the day with a fussy baby. There was more then once I was in tears. So I feel your pain.. but eventually they all go away and you get a little peace and quite. I promise it will be sooner then you think.
Ask your in laws to do specific things to help you. That is what they are there for. LOLO :) Maybe have then take care of the sweet little one while you catch up on some sleep... or run a load of clothes through the washer.... or even make the evening meal.
I wish you all the best.
She is so, so beautiful! I'm glad the breastfeeding sounds like it's settling down, it's so worth it. And at least, as you say, it gives you your chance to escape for a while!
ReplyDeleteYou are very brave in having the inlaws for so long at this early stage of things. I echo the suggestion that you ask them to help out. I remember my midwife telling me that, when someone asks if they can help out, what they really mean is, can they hold the baby while you do the ironing (or whatever), when what you really need is for them to DO the ironing, and so you should ask them directly to do it! I tried it once and it didn't go down too well with a particular friend LOL but I do think it's worth approaching tactfully.
In the meantime, keep escaping and catching up with your sleep where you can!
Anna is beautiful! Thanks for the update and photos. I know from experience time for such things is a luxury.
ReplyDeleteI love the photo of the dog watching over the baby through the crib railings.
ReplyDeleteDid I already say that she is beautiful? And Oscar is such a good dog! Just imagine how wonderful everything is going to be when the house is finished and it's just the four of you enjoying the space and peace!
ReplyDeleteWow, she has changed a lot already!
ReplyDeleteAll my compassion for the state of your home right now... It must be very hard, but it won't last for ever.
Is Anna your in-laws's first grand child? Mine barely acknowledged the birth of my daughters, and that pissed me off.
Good that the dog is doing so well with Anna, one worry less!
Take care!
My MIL came out for Hayley's birth and was of no use. She was asleep half the time on the couch and barely cooked for the kids, much less laundry and other things. Not to mention she stayed at night at my mom's and told her what a bad housekeeper I am, etc. Now, I have high risk pregnancies, am on limited duty and had 3 other kids under 6 at the time. Next time, no way. BTW, she is so cute.
ReplyDeleteShe is looking quite lovely. Enjoy this time with her - an entire year to raise your baby - it will fly by. And the first three weeks (with in-laws) will be a blur at the beginning. Breath deep!
ReplyDeleteGorgeous! I'm thrilled to welcome another Eurasian into the world! We rock!
ReplyDeleteMooimadeit: I second that!
Little Anna is just too precious! Good luck getting through these next few weeks.
ReplyDeleteAww, that last photo is such a cute one! Remember, sleep when Anna sleeps!
ReplyDeleteYou both look healthy, the baby is beautiful.
ReplyDeleteAnna is beautiful! I can sympathize with you about visitors. However, visitors are useful for things like doing dishes! *L* Best wishes!!
ReplyDeleteShe is beautiful! But you already knew that Lol! I agree withthe other comments, be sure to get your in-laws to help rather than just holding Anna when she is quiet! Or, whe she is quiet, maybe you could slip off for a nice soak in the bath - then if she wakes up they will have to mind her while you bathe!!
ReplyDeleteYou both look well though, so your repetition of your mantra must be working!! Lol!
Hello, I'm a long time lurker reader. Just had to say-- what a beautiful baby! (I know you've heard it a million times already, but it's so true!)
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see what confections you dream up to sew for her once things are more settled.
Thanks for taking the time to post. She is just so beautiful.
ReplyDeleteShe is a sweety, and Oscar is such a good dog. Thanks for taking the time to post, we all appreciate keeping up to date with what you are up to. As others have said make sure you sleep when you can.
ReplyDeleteKristy, she's so beautiful, congratulations.
ReplyDeleteI'm got baby number 2 coming in 5 months, I can't wait to see what you sew, esp. whatever clever and stylish nursing outfits you're bound to come up with. Thanks so much for posting.
BTW, I've been wanting to say that the last sentence of your last post (my future fashionista), keeps coming back to me daily. It's probably the best description of motherhood I've heard.
Good luck.
Many congratulations to you and your husband. Baby Anna is divine.
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet blessing for you all! Even your dog is happy!
ReplyDeleteTry to relax and remember the in-laws want to help... if you can find things for them to do... it would be good all around! Or better yet, mention to your hubby that maybe they could do this or that! That way they won't see it as being bossy either!
Hang in there and get some much deserved rest! Yeah Mom!
What a cutie! Congratulations, Kristy!
ReplyDeleteOOOWWWW! They are so cute when they are sleeping.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful parting photo! Good luck especially over the next few weeks. I moved back into my incomplete inner west glass box house with my second daughter at 6 weeks. I look back and can't believe how we managed! Now I didn't have in-laws ... I say, spend as much time as you can in your room feeding and resting. Natasha
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear that you and Anna are doing well ! Just nurse and sleep.
ReplyDeleteThis is the most precious time of motherhood. They grow up sooooo fast. Remember that precious baby smell untouched by the elements.
ReplyDeleteShe is beautiful!
When my ILs were visiting (looking to move here) when I was pregnant, I complained to my OB about it. Because I was already considered a high-risk pregnancy, he told me to tell them HE wouldn't allow them to stay with us! (There was really no medical reason - just less stress!) They couldn't/didn't argue with that and stayed in a motel. I can't believe they'll be there that long - sorry.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it wonderful having a new baby in the house?! She's breathtaking! (har) But seriously, half-Asian/half-white babies are particularly cute. 3 suggestions: (1) Put your in-laws to work (they probably WANT to help but may be afraid to overstep their bounds). (2) Sleep when Anna sleeps. (3) Trust your instincts--you're the MOM! Oh yeah, one more: when you lift your baby's bottom up by her feet to change her diaper, don't stand in the line of fire (speaking from personal experience). Congrats!
ReplyDeleteBee-you-tiful!!!! Enjoy this special time!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to you both. She certainly is a beautiful little girl! Enjoy this time...
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the birth of your baby girl. You will look back at this time later and enjoy recalling every moment but be sooo glad it is behind you. I hope you have lots of rest and rest assured that the in-laws will eventually leave ;)
ReplyDeleteWe had building happening while my son was born too and I hid in the quietest room in the house. Boy was that boring. Take care of yourself. A milking mother needs her rest to make more milk. XOX By the way, she's gorgeous. I think she'll have dark brown hair.
Congrats on your gorgeous girl, and thanks for letting me know about BWOF.
ReplyDeleteYou have been given some great advice already, but here is mine:
1. If the inlaws aren't helping out, they need to get out (make your husband be the bad cop)
2. To help you breastfeed, I can't recommend Palmers cocoa butter nursing cream highly enough. The lanolin creams were crudola and once I started using the Palmers it barely hurt again, it is wonderful stuff. Dunno if the supermarkets have it but every chemist should.
All the best
She is such a beautiful, beautiful baby. Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! She is just gorgeous. I hope you survive the building and houseguests without too much angst.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! She is a beautiful baby! :) So happy for you.