introducing my future fashionista.....

Friday 9 January 2009
sorry for leaving you all in suspense, but it seems my husband is not only all thumbs when it comes to babies but to blog updating as well! But he has been pretty occupied this week spending time at hospital, at work, looking after the dog, dealing with the pesky builders and getting used to being a new dad so I'm sure you all forgive him.

Well, little Anna Mei Chan finally emerged into the outside world at 1.37am on Tuesday morning, weighing in at 3.62kg (nearly 8 pounds) and 51.2cm (20in). She seems to be changing appearance as each day passes and she loses that screwed up red face look that newborns get. Here she is on day 2:

She certainly was a stubborn little lady, because being 12 days late wasn't enough, she dragged my labour out to more than 14 hours! But I don't think she cares about that, judging by this cheeky look she gave us shortly after coming out:

I'll spare you the gory details because I'm sure many of you have been there done that, and if you haven't you really don't want to know until it's too late to back out! Suffice to say it was the most pain I've ever experienced, and I endured about 4 hours of very painful and frequent contractions that were too short to effectively dilate (only 3cm in that time) before breaking down in tears begging for an epidural. And post epidural? Well then I could manage a smile, and even read the paper while we waited, and waited, and waited to reach the magic 10cm dilation time:

I was extremely sad to have the epi turned off for the final phase (ie the pushing) - which took an hour and a half, and in the end required the vacuum to pull her out because her shoulders were stuck.

Now I'm happily at home, the dog is going beserk wagging his tail he's so happy, but he does look startled at every little noise that comes from her way! And in other good news the pesky builders have done more work this week than just about the entire project so far so we are only a few weeks off finishing now. It's almost as if they didn't believe that I was having a baby until it actually came out.....

And as for me? Well I know have a spongy round stomach and still look a few months pregnant, I have quiet a few stitches down there and my nipples are starting to feel well used already but I'm so happy it doesn't matter too much.


  1. Oh congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How wonderful - a girl!!! She is going to be just adorable (well she is now, but you know what I mean). And she really didn't want out at all did she?

  2. Awwwww, she's cute. Love that second photo. Congratulations again. The name flows really well.

  3. Congrats! I was thinking girl the whole time.

    Don't feel bad for the epi - I asked for one as I walked past the nurse's station when checking into L&D. I knew beforehand I would be having one. ;^)

    Let everyone help as much as they can - they do go away some day and then you want their help. Sleep whey she does. There, that's my new-mom advice.

  4. Congratulations! She looks adorable. Looking forward to seeing more photos of her and the pretty little creations I am sure you are going to make her to match her fashionable mum!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. What wonderful news - a darling daughter. Congratulations to you both.

  7. Dashed home from the bus with my 4 yr old and 15 year old in tow announcing 'I have to see if there's a photo of the baby yet'. 'OMG' wailed the teen 'you'll be on Twitter next!' Little does she know!

    Congratulations and is her second name a family name or does it have another association for you? Susan

  8. Congratulations on a such a sweet bundle of joy. Enjoy every minute you have with her, they grow WAY to fast. Be sure to rest and take care of yourself. Can't wait to see what you sew up for her.

    Mom of 4

  9. Congratulations on your new baby!

  10. Congratulations on your Beautiful Baby Girl!!

  11. Congratulations Momma! Daddy's totally forgiven because she's so worth the wait :):)
    CarlaF-From Atlanta, Georgia

  12. Congratulations! She's adorable!

  13. OH!!! She is adorable!!! Glad to hear everything and everyone are ok and home safe and sound...

    Take lots of pictures of the sweet one. They grow up before you know it....(my little one is already 13 1/2)

    I can not wait to see all the cute things that you make for her.. :) Thanks so much for sharing with us.


  14. Wow!!!! She is lovely. I forgot how impossibly small their hands are!


    PS Once you get over the sore breast part - it was great. No bottles or mix to tote around, always the right temperature and portable! Plus nursing women need ALOT of calories to produce all that nourishment. I lost the baby weight gained fairly quickly because the breast feeding.

  15. My goodness! She is gorgeous. (whispers: honestly probably the prettiest I've seen in a few years)

  16. Well congratulations to you all! You did it, you made a real little person. Best wishes for the coming weeks.

  17. Congratulations! Your daughter is beautiful! I know you will have fun sewing beautiful little frocks for her! Mary

  18. Such a sweetie! I'm happy for you.

  19. Congratulations and enjoy it. She is cute, it that red hair? Note that when you go to sew patterns for her, my baby was almost 6 mos old before a newborn size dress made by me fit her. I think the patterns run a little bigger than RTW and she was about 8 lbs at birth.

  20. Congratulations Mommy and Daddy!!! She is a real beauty.

  21. Congratulations! She's adorable!

  22. Aww ...what a cutie. Congratulations Kirsty, I'm so glad that everything went well.

  23. Congratulations! She is gorgeous. I'm amazed you found time to get the computer already!

  24. She is gorgeous! I am certain that you and DH are thrilled. We can forgive him his hesitation to post, although I must confess to checking your blog this morning, wondering what had gone on!

  25. so precious!! Congratulations :)

  26. Oh she is adorable - congratulations! And what a lovely little name.

    Can't wait to see all the sweet outfits mum will be whipping up!

  27. congratulations, she is so cute!
    Congratulation to your husband too for having done as much as he could!
    Take care of yourself, don't overdo and take your time with breastfeeding, you'll soon enjoy it completely!

  28. Anna is adorable! Show us as many pictures of her as you want. I'm so happy for you and your husband.

  29. Congratulations Kristy, Little Anna is beautiful.

  30. Can't believe i had to check your blog to get the good news!

    But anyway a big CONGRATS!! You made it and she looks like a lovely little snugglepuss (well like a baby anyway!)

    Will be in touch soon when hopefully things have settled down bit for you all. Can't wait to meet her and see you being a Mummy!

    All the best,
    from Mish

  31. Congrats to the happy parents! Enjoy your family time and baby snuggle time. Best wishes to you!

  32. Congratulations to you both and welcome to the world little Anna. I see lots of pink fabric in your future. :) In the meantime get some sleep. :)

  33. ohh a girl. congrats. Husband is forgiven. your last sentence bought a tear to my eye. welcome Anna.

  34. Congratulations on your little girl.

  35. Congratulations! I have been following your blog and your 'pregnancy progress' for quite a while but not commented before! This seemed like a good time.

    Your new daughter is beautiful! Enjoy her and the early days as much as you can. Hope your builders finish soon - maybe if you suggest they might like to change a few nappies it might galvanise them into action a bit quicker! Lol!

  36. Congratulations, I am happy for you and for Anna, you will be lean and tonic soon,now you must repose kiss Vici (Italy)

  37. Congratulations! She's beautiful!

  38. Congratulations to you and hubby. What a beautiful little angel. Many wonderful times are ahead for you. Take a nap whenever you can!!.

  39. Huge congratulations to you, Anna will be the best dressed baby on the block!

  40. Congratulations! She is just gorgeous and I love her name. :)

  41. Congratulations to you and your husband! What a beautiful little baby - as the mother of 2 little girls, I can tell you the fun ahead sewing for them! Enjoy this precious start and I look forward to seeing your parenting and sewing for children progress. Good luck! Natasha (another inner westie).

  42. Congratulations! She is adorable.

  43. So pleased to hear your news. Congratulations!

  44. Congratulations on the new addition to the family. May she be happy and healthy her whole life.

  45. Blessings and congratulations to the whole family. :o)

    What will you be calling her? Anna? Anna Mei?

  46. Anna is soooooo beautiful. Congratulations to you both!

    I have a similar photo where I'm looking serene and blissful and people ask is that's after I had my baby girl , and I reply no ,it's after I had my epidural! Never feel bad about that.

    Enjoy her, because time flies by too quickly.

  47. Congratulatons! She is precious! Enjoy this time and keep looking out for updates!

  48. Congratulations! She's beautiful.

  49. Many Blessings are being sent your way! She is beautiful. You and the hubby must be filled with pride and joy.

    You'll feel better soon.


  50. Congratulations. She's beautiful and so is her name. I've been reading your blog for about 6 months and have checked it several times a day since monday. You would think being a mother of five and grandmother of eight I would not be so curious about a baby on the other side of the earth. But I just had to know if it was a girl or boy. Take care.

  51. Congratulations! Have fun, there is so much truth in the saying, "They grow up so fast!"

  52. Ohmigosh she's adorable! Congratualtions and welcome home!!

  53. Aww, she's absolutely beautiful! Congratulations.

  54. Congratulations! She´s adorable! All the best for you and you little one!

  55. She is beautiful! COngratulations to you & hubby on your wonderful little girl!
    I love her name, too!

  56. Congrads...good job, mom and dad! She's beautiful!

  57. Well done and congratulations to you all. Anna is wonderful.

  58. She's adorable!! Congratulations!

  59. congrats congrats congrat! Mother and baby both look beautiful and healthy. What a start to the New Year :)

  60. Welcome Anna! Do you know what a talented mama you have? You be sure and thank her for all the pretty dresses she'll be slaving over for you.

    Daughters are the most wonderful thing, and I wish you, Kristy, as much love and happiness as I have being the mother of a sweet daughter. Such joy!

  61. Babies are such a blessing. Congratulations!

  62. Congratulations! I've been avidly checking all week for news and am delighted to hear all went well. your baby looks lovely and I'm looking forward to more updates.

    Very best wishes from slightly snowy London (we got a tiny sprinkle of snow on the weekend)!

  63. Congratulations to you and to your husband! Welcome to Anna Mei - such a lovely baby with an equally beautiful name. Thanks so much for posting here!
    Joyce in Wisconsin

  64. Congratulations! Congratulations! She's so precious.

  65. What a beautiful baby! Congratulations!

  66. Congratulations!! She is just beautiful. Enjoy each precious moment.

  67. Congratulations! As the mother of three grown daughters I can assure you your wardrobe will be less but you won't care as it is all about her and sewing for her will be so much fun. I like others have been checking in to see if you have had the baby. I am so glad that the yucky hurt part is over for you. mssewcrazy

  68. Yay, pictures! She is BEAUTIFUL! What a great name, and really she just looks so sweet! I'm glad you are all home safe and sound.

    Janelle, Pennsylvania

  69. Congratulations! She's so beautiful!

  70. Congrats congrats! She is utterly beautiful and I love the name to boot! Oh and I love the nursery too. Enjoy it all!

  71. What an absolute darling! I'm so happy for you and your family!

  72. Congratulations! I have unlurked and wish you and your family well from Connecticut USA!!

  73. Congratulations! Hope you're resting up! She's absolutely gorgeous!

  74. Congratulations! She's adorable.

  75. Congrats! Lucky dog! You have a girl you will be able to sew your days away with. Well done!

  76. Anna is beautiful. Congrats to you both, and we look forward to seeing all the cute girl dresses you sew!

  77. She's here...She's here...Congratulations on your bundle of joy!


    You know, girl clothes are so much fun, it's almost scary...

  79. Yippee! Shes here safe and sound. Congrats on your new arrival.

  80. Congratulations and welcome little one. Now you have a lifetime of keeping your mumma busy and my darling judging from your mumma you are going to have a fab wardrobe!

    Hugs from across the oceans...

  81. Kristy, so glad everything went well! I know... but she was worth the wait.... right???!!!!
    So sweet! Enjoy!
    Guess I better finish up my package! Now I know that she is a she! LoL... Yeah for the builders too! You and your DH do great work! Bet he is walking around having a hard time getting his chest through the doors!
    Write when you can... but, we will understand! LoL...

  82. CONGRATS! She's gorgeous!! And well done!

  83. She is absolutely GORGEOUS!!! She is already showing some sass with that tounge stuck out. I just love it. Enjoy her and make her lots of pretty clothes.

  84. Hurrah! Congratulations on your little girl!

  85. Congratulations!!! What a beautiful blessing!

  86. You must be soooo happy!!!! Congradulations!!! She is absolutely beautiful!

  87. Cangratulations on the new baby. She is beautiful.

  88. Congratulations! Your little Anna Mei Chan is adorable. Oh, all the cute little dresses you're going to be able to make her.

  89. She is beautiful.

  90. Oh, congratulations! She is beautiful!

  91. What a beautiful baby! Welcome Anna and congratulations Mum and Dad!

  92. Congratulations from me too! She's such a lovely little bub with a beautiful name. Good luck as you recover from the birth and get into the swing of feeding - it all works out well in the end, and you have such a wonderful reason for all of the hard bits.

  93. Congratulations! What a beautiful baby. Enjoy this precious time, they're only so small such a short time.

    well done, clever you!
    best wishes.
