Thanks for all your comments on the last post - I wore the red jacket and black/white check dress to work on Monday and it was a comfortable and colourful combo so a real winner in my book. I don't know how I managed to sew the shorts and jacket so fast on Sunday, I guess it has a lot to do with using simple patterns that I have sewn from before, but I also find that when I'm not trying too hard the garments come together quickly and turn out perfect (as opposed to those I put real effort into and always manage to stuff up!).
And Vicki I know what you mean about tracing out the Burda patterns, I feel like having a nanna nap to rest my brain and eyes after tracing them out. It has to be the task I like least about sewing, it's even worse than washing the fabric and waiting for it to dry, or cutting out the patterns from a new pattern (that's why I like vintage patterns - someone else has already cut them out or they come like that).
Someone in real life asked me the other day how I managed to find so much time and energy to sew, particularly since I'm now edging towards 7 months of pregnancy. I don't know exactly where I'm finding the energy from, but I'd say it's probably got lots to do with all the lollies (red liquorice is a current favourite) that I continue to consume in copious amounts. As for time, well I don't have kids yet, I've stopped watching tv because there is hardly anything worth viewing anymore and remember the housework I made the shorts to wear whilst doing? Well it didn't technically get done on the weekend because I found sewing far more enjoyable than cleaning (yeah funny that). Lucky there's only the two of us plus the dog, who causes the most mess with his dog hair everywhere and his toys strewn from one end of the house to another, and we don't live in a McMansion so it only takes about an hour so I may clean up tomorrow night (hmmm we'll see).
Oh and thanks for all your reassuring comments re falling off the SWAP bandwagon, it makes total sense to me now to treat the SWAP as the bigger picture but continue on sewing other things as need arises. I'm about to sew some simple cotton pyjamas next since even my old friends the drawstring pyjama pants are abandoning me and my rapidly expanding rear end (damn you red liquorice and all your calories), but after that I'll get back on to the dress-athon.

But of course I would never consider buying it, particularly when I found the perfect fabric over at Tessuti's on line fabric shop, Soho stripe 100% cotton which retails for $32/m. If this fabric is still available when my waistline returns (fingers crossed on both accounts there) I will definately break my retail fabric buying diet to get my hands on a few metres of this:

I think I had better buy some red liquorice! I had Monday off and it took me all day to trace a Burda pattern then cut it out! (was short of fabric and did have to some manouvouring). I was hoping to make 2 dresses this week but at this rate it is not looking good! Looking foward to seeing yours. BTW, it is going to be 23 in Melb today - hotter than even Brissie!
ReplyDeleteI like the strip fabric...and your waist will come're not even that big for 7 months!
ReplyDeleteI just got my first Burda pattern...haven't looked at it's a boys 18 month to size 6 button front shirt....grandson is moving towards that size soon.
O.K. one tip that I got from my MIL about Burda patterns or any for that matter that take from a "master pattern"... use pellon or some sort of cheap sew in interfacing to copy them onto! They last forever... and it's a cinch to reuse them! Good to see all you've been up too lately! I've been trying to catch up on some stuff at home and haven't done much of anything blog wise... reading and/or writing! Later... Jean
ReplyDeleteI just LOVE seeing clothes in mags and the newspapers and seeing the price and laughing at the prices!
ReplyDeleteIt's just so much nicer wearing hand made items, at a fraction of the cost! $400 skirts can easily be made with op shops and recycled things! My recent skirt craze is prob. $4 a skirt! xoxo