fabric feasting
and now for something completely different
In response to Benes' question in the comments to the last post, half of the room has louvre windows, the other half is a big glass sliding door, and the triangle windows on top are fixed glass. They are fantastic in a temperate climate like here in Sydney because you can control how much the windows are open so you can get as much or as little breeze in the house as you want. Unfortunately though the new room is so bright during this summer sunshine we're having it practically burns my retina, so my mission this weekend is to find some fabrics to make some sheer curtains to filter. Looks like it's time to break the fabric fast......
Oh and a big congratulations to Carolyn over at diaryofasewingfanatic who welcomed a second grandson into the world this week! Also congratulations to my friend Jenny who just found out she is going to be a grandma for the second time, which is fantastic news since her daughter had a cervical cancer scare recently but thankfully was ok - go have pap smears ladies, it may save your life.
little sewing

Anyway must go and check Anna's nappy - I've become a bit obsessed with her poo habits lately because she hasn't gone for three days which is unlike her so I'm worried she may be constipated. Oh how exciting my life has become.....
You say trousers, I say pants

how to instill a love of sewing in the very young
Anyway we are getting so close to finally finishing the house, probably another week or two (fingers crossed that saying that out loud hasn't jinxed the progress). Here's the current status of the house extension:
That room on top of the garage is going to be my new sewing studio, there'll be room for my machines, a whole wall of shelving for the fabric stash as well as a big cutting table. Doesn't look like much right now, but I'm already planning the decor and I can't wait to get it all set up:
So where has February gone people? Anna is two months old today already! She has just started smiling recently, and she now has tears when she cries too. I'm sure I'll see a few those later this week when she has her immunisation shots, but for now here's a little smile that she has been cranking out lately: