
Wednesday 28 September 2011

uh oh, here I go again

Abandoning that jacket has done wonders for my sewing mojo - in the last few days I have I sewn a new dress that is just in need of a hem (which I need buy a new twin needle for) even though it wasn't one of the fabrics I had in the photograph in the last post.  It was just one of those random spur of the moment choices which I think has reignited my love affair with sewing - being able to sew what you want is great!  Plus I have already pinned up my next project which is one of those in the photo from the last post (yeah I'm really lame at sewing with a plan!).

I also treated myself to a new pair of shoes to celebrate the arrival of spring, which should go nicely with the grey fabrics I have lined up for my next two (maybe three) projects:
Oh and I should share with you the other accessory I am currently rocking:

I'm having another baby!

I've popped out so much earlier than last time - I'm nearly 14 weeks now and already my normal clothes are way too small and the belly has almost gone from that 'had too much to eat' look to a definite baby bump.  Of course it doesn't help that I always sew my clothes with the closest fit possible because there's not much room in them for expansion.  This dress which was luckily made from a stretch cotton sateen was bursting at the seams when I took this photo two weeks ago and has now been put away for the foreseeable future.

Morning sickness this time round has been far far worse than last time too - I am still having a close inspection of the inside of toilet every morning even now at 14 weeks.  In fact it's been such a frequent occurrence that Anna's new pretend game is to yell out "I sick mummy" and then run into the bathroom, lean over the toilet and make a very realistic vomiting noise.  Oh dear, I hope she forgets this one soon!

Plus I've been so exhausted lately, which is normal but made even worse having a toddler to run around after.  That is the main reason behind my lack of productivity of late, it has been way too hard to drag myself off the lounge each evening.

So you can expect a bit of maternity sewing around these parts for the next 6 months.  I really enjoyed the challenge last time of adapting non maternity patterns, although lately Burda has been quite helpful in offering up billowy shapeless styles in the magazine for the last year which will be great for maternity styles with very little adaptation.  Plus there are a few other bloggers who are currently maternity sewing too, in particular Kitty Couture whose style I love and I'm sure I'll get a lot of inspiration from even though she is in a different season to me.

And now I need to brave the fabric store tomorrow to buy that new twin needle, hopefully I can escape without buying more fabric because I have my eye on some more shoes instead!


  1. Congratulations - on both the sewing and the baby front.

  2. That's fabulous news! Congratulations :)

  3. Congratulations! You look fabulous!

  4. Congratulations to you & your Husband for the new baby! :)

  5. Congratulations and best wishes to you all - what fantastic news. All the best.

  6. congratulations! Well done for getting any sewing done at all!

  7. Congratulations. That's great news. Love the shoes!

  8. Congratulations. Hopefully this next one will not be as busy as Anna. Good Luck.

  9. Congrats! And yeah, I can see how Burda's styles as of late would be super-easy to adapt for maternity! I've been listening to Kitty Couture's podcast recently, and while I'm nowhere near needing maternity clothes myself, it has been interesting to hear what she's been doing with that.

  10. Such wonderful news! Congratulations!

  11. Congratulations!!! Two is so much fun!

  12. Congratulations! You are very a pretty pregnant lady.

  13. Yay! Congratulations! Hope the exhaustion and morning sickness subside very soon. I'm excited to see what you'll be sewing.

  14. PS: Beautiful dress and I love the way you look in it!
    Enjoy these heels - I've been forbidden to wear any kind of heels for the past 2 and the next 5 months ;)

  15. Gorgeous shoes, and gorgeous bump - congratulations!! Hopefully morning sickness will be over very soon and you'll start feeling little kicks inside instead!
    I remember I used to eat Super Wines all morning!

  16. Congratulations Kristy!! What a lovely "bump." The shoes are smashing; I love yellow. Looking forward to seeing your maternity sewing.

  17. Congratulations!!! So excited for you and Anna will love being a big sister :-) I just know you're going to feel better really soon, you've definitely gotten through the hardest part. You look amazing in that dress and I love your shoes, both the ones your wearing and the prospective new purchase.

  18. Wow! Congratulations! So sorry to hear about the morning sickness but hopefully it will all be over soon!

  19. Awww, congratulations! Love the shoes also!

  20. congratulations - you really suit that new accessory !. Hopefully baby no.2 will be a breeze. Anna is too funny imitating your morning sickness - my second daughter imitated me when I was in labour with my third - I was giving her last cuddles in bed before I went to hospital and couldn`t help a little groan which she promptly imitated.

  21. Сongratulations with your new baby! Do you want a boy or a girl? And what about your husband - who does we want?

  22. Congratulations! (I'm secretly hoping for a boy so I can watch you sewing boy clothes.) I hope you feel better soon.

  23. Congratulations! I hope the morning sickness ends soon. I remember it all too well. :(

  24. Congratulations!!!! That is very exciting news!

  25. Congratulations! Your maternity sewing last time was so awesome that I am looking forward to seeing your creations this time around.

  26. Congratulations on the baby news :)

  27. Serious congrats! All of us working mums (stay at home or work OUT of the home) applaud your bravery for going for #2! Having said that, Anna is so cute we all can understand.

    Keep your strength and happiness up--we are all cheering for you. I'd say try to rest but really, when is THAT going to happen. My second child is our Minister of Fun. Plus, Anna will have someone to boss around--she will LOVE that. Fingers crossed.....!

  28. Congratulations! Exciting news :) Hope you get over the morning sickness soon. I'm looking forward to seeing your maternity creations!

  29. Congratulations! I had a feeling when I saw you from afar at SL Lidcombe a couple of weeks ago with Anna. You looked exhausted:) so I skipped coming up to say hello:)

    Hope the morning sickness ends soon:)

  30. That's great news - congratulations on your pregnancy! Yes, that's quite a baby bump you've got already :)

  31. Congratulations on the wonderful news. So happy for you and feeling for you on the subject of inspecting the toilet. During my (twin) pregnancy i spent all waking hours being horribly sick and spewing basically 24 hours a day. Hope it passes quickly for you...
    Best of luck and lots of health and energy for running after the little one :-)

  32. Congratulations! What great news! Best wishes for your pregnancy.

  33. Congratulations. Anna must be thrilled. Go well.

  34. Congratulations! Feel better soon and take it easy when you can. Very exciting news!

  35. Congratulations!! I'm sewing up a bunch of maternity clothes right now, too, but mine are for a very close friend who's also a beginning sewer (so she understands the effort involved!).

    And I lurrrrve those shoes, too!

    (Also check out Sena's "Sew Be Do" site - she's about to pop now but has also been sewing tons of maternity lately)

  36. Oh, happy news! I commiserate with you about morning sickness: I was nauseated for four months straight, morning, noon and night. All I could stand to eat was turkey on white bread. (The baby was born without feathers, thank the Lord.) Take lots of naps, when and where you can. Enjoy your springtime.

  37. Congratulations - I'm guessing you might be thrilled and a little anxious at the same time, now that you have some idea of what lies ahead, both rewarding and challenging.

  38. Oh! Congratulations! That's super exciting. How great for Anna too.

  39. Congratulations! I am 18 weeks pregnant and plan on doing A LOT of sewing for myself this time around. I'm excited to follow your progress on the baby and sewing front, and see your creations!

  40. Hooray! Congratulations on the new addition to your family! I can't wait to see the maternity sewing you do... And those shoes are just super gorgeous.

  41. Congratulations! What wonderful news for you and your family. Hope the morning sickness ends - I would gag so much I'd end up laughing!

    Love the shoes too! Oh don't forget Burda does the pregnancy issues but not sure when and they are quite stylish.

  42. Funny how a not loved project can block your sewing mojo! I've stopped resisting when that happens.
    But more important, congratulations for the baby to come!
    Take it easy...

  43. Fantastic! DS made his appearance last month. Pregnant bellies are wonderful accessories. They go with everything :) I lived in Burda Style's maternity dress and got many, many compliments on the Butterick maternity twist dress. Highly recommended. An Ozzie made the twist dress for winter in wool jersey and wore it with a turleneck underneath.

    Congratulations on closing in to the end of the first tri. It is exhausting with a toddler, my DD is 19mos now but I made it.

  44. Oh wow, congratulations! And I am very amused by Anna's new game. Ha!

  45. Many congratulations, Kristy!

  46. Yay for new babe, new shoes and new sewing mojo!

    Great news for you and your family, and totally a positive thing to look forward to! xoxo

  47. Oh wow, congratulations! You look excellent.

  48. Look at you Miss Popular.... I'm #58 to comment.... I probably only have that many comments total on my blog since I started... LoL......
    Congratulations mom (and dad and Anna)! That is wonderful.... sooo, are we hoping for a boy this time or do you care? Has Anna got an opinion yet on the matter? Just nosy.....!
    Feel better...
    I've got a little niece who went invetro and is carrying twins... 1 of each! She is sooo excited!
    Just finished babysitting the grands for almost 2 weeks... mom/dad were in Hawaii!

  49. Wow! Congratulations. The shoes are stunning. My word verification is sosew

  50. Ooh, how exciting!!!!! Well that would explain not a lot of mojo. Congratulations. Pretty cute yellow shoes too. I think you well and truly deserve them.

  51. Congratulations! What wonderful news! I first started reading your blog when you were expecting Anna, hasn't time flown!

  52. I am a little late in reading the great news but... Congratulations!
