
Thursday 6 October 2011

lounging around

My lounge and I have become the bestest of friends this week - since last Sunday I have had a terrible cold and a horribly annoying dry cough which is passing sooo slowly because when you're pregnant you can't take any of those fantastic cold + flu medicines that either dry you out or make you sleepy, either of which would be a godsend at this point in time. 

We went camping last weekend which was a long weekend with some friends, and after two days of good weather on Sunday the sky opened and there was torrential rain and gale force winds.  All around us tents were flattened or blown away completely, luckily ours was still standing.  Although that did mean we had to pack it away in the rain - all good fun though.  All the best camping stories have some sort of 'what were we thinking' component to them don't they?

So instead of having a productive long weekend and week sewing wise, instead all I have achieved is catching up on some boxed DVD sets I got for christmas last year (Bewitched and Mad Men) and straining my stomach muscles from all the coughing.  I even wasted two work free and Anna free days at home laying on the lounge.  Oh dear, this is a dreary story isn't it?

But to cheer me up, and to liven this blog post up, check out this huge box of patterns my parents picked up for me in some small town op shop in the middle of nowhere on their recent holiday:

These are mostly 1950 and 1960 vintage, and unbelievably most are in my size too! Plus there are lots of cute kids patterns too.  What an absolute score, far better than receiving a souvenir t-shirt or hat for sure.  These are my favourites:

And thank you all for your comments on the last post - I am so touched that so many of you are sharing in our excitement about the next addition to our family.  Suzanne your comment about me being brave enough to go for #2 made me laugh, because for the first 12 months after Anna I swore I would never have any more children, then the next 12 months I swore I would only have another child if Anna started sleeping more and stopped being so tiring, and it's only in the last 6 months that I have come around to thought of going through it all again.  It's my husband that is the clucky one - he wants three children and this combined with him turning 40 this year meant he was eager to have another.

We have decided to opt for another surprise delivery again, so we'll all have to wait until late March to see whether I'll be sewing little boy or little girl clothes.  I don't mind either way what we have, although a little bit of me wouldn't mind another girl - their clothes are so much cuter to make than little boys.  I only just told Anna yesterday that mummy is having a baby, because she has no concept of time and the next 5 and a half months are really going to drag out for her.  I wanted to leave it longer to tell her, but she overheard me telling one of her daycarers and she understood straight away what was happening.  She is very excited, always kissing and hugging my belly which is cute, and she seems convinced it's a little girl.  Hope she won't be disappointed if a little boy comes out!

And as for morning sickness, I'm too sick with my cold at the moment to be able to tell if it's still hanging around!

Happy sewing everyone, hope you're all more healthy than I am at the moment.


  1. I hope you feel better soon. Your patterns look wonderful, enjoy looking and organizing them.

  2. Congratulations and I hope you are back to snuff real soon. It is such a challenge to feel ill and have to care for a little one.

    Your pattern haul is fabulous. simp 3041 is so Jackie O and that little girl's dress is absolutely fabulous. I covet.

  3. I, too, had a head cold while pregnant. And now that those days are l-o-n-g behind me, I have to be careful not to take cold meds that will interfere with my high blood pressure meds. I find that echinacea capsules, or vitamin C tablets, do an excellent job of ameliorating symptoms. They'll clear your head and quieten a cough so that you can sleep. Downside is that you'll have to take them about every 3 hours, instead of once or twice a day. Upside is that your body will expel what it doesn't need, with no side effects. Hope you feel better soon, whether or not you try these home remedies.

  4. Hope your cold goes away soon.

    What a wonderful box of goodies your parents got you! That would brighten anyone's day to go through those!

  5. Hope you're feeling better very soon! Enjoy your treasure trove of patterns!

  6. Holy caw are you KIDDING me? *Every* time I get to an estate sale the vintage patterns are the first thing to have gone and I've missed out every time!

    I'm drooling with jealousy. :)

  7. Okay I'm so busy at work and exhausted at night that I haven't really been reading blogs. So I'm probably the last one in the sewing world to know that Baby #2 is on it's way!

    I'm wishing you a hearty congratulations and I hope that both the morning sickness and the cold disappear at the same time leaving you to have a blissfully wonderful pregnancy filled with pretty maternity clothes!

  8. What a nice present from you folks! Nothing like lounging and looking thru a gift box....
    So sweet that Anna is excited, wait til she can feel the baby move! It's a riot! Their eyes get so big and all they want to do (at least with mine) is talk to the baby in your tummy! Cute!
    Good luck with the 3 kids thing... sorry but for us and others I know, 3 was not a magic #... odd man out and all! But you will work things out for your family just fine I'm sure!
    We've been having the same sort of weather you have lately.... tons of down pours (all week long) and then the sun will peek out a tad bit... and then it starts all over again. They probably got snow in the mountains today... cause it was only in the very high 30's this a.m. Fall/Winter are coming!

  9. Well, I've been in the middle of relocating and missed the big news, but congratulations! Oh, how exciting. You must so be looking forward to the new family member!

    Also, you have amazing parents. Any of my family members are welcome to do the same for me. :) That's a great haul! They must have been fun to go through as you huddled under that blanket. I hope you get better soon!

  10. Oh that sucks, the cold that is! I remember having the flu with my second pregnancy. Never felt so sick in my life. I desperately wanted to take those cold & flu tablets. Score on the vintage patterns though. I hope you feel better soon.

  11. Congratulations on your pregnancy. I am jealous of your pattern box, more than a twinge. But I'm also happy for you that you sew a and you own them now. They will have a good home. And I really liked your cake. It will taste much better than any bakery.

  12. Oh my goodness, you have the best parents ever! Gorgeous patterns :-) Lots of vitamin c is great for getting rid of juice, kiwi fruit, etc. It was fun hearing Anna's reaction to the baby news.

  13. Aw, congratulations. Hope you feel better soon. I'm (hopefully) nearing the end of pregnancy #2 and had a nasty cold not too long ago, too. I wanted nothing more than to take some lovely cough syrup with codeine, so I can empathize.

  14. Congratulations!!! I hope you feel better soon. Totally jealous of your pattern haul, too :)

  15. Thanks for the shout-out! To be fair, kid #2 was a tough pregnancy and a screamy baby but she is serious fun now. I call her "The Minister of Fun" because she always enters everything in life with the intent to have a good time--even if she has to work at making the rest of us smile too!

    PLUS I had an intense first kid...he turned out to be really bright and athletic, which is why he was so restless and irritated. Sound like any small people at your house????

  16. Lucky you! Oh, not for the cold, but the patterns. What a great comfort gift! And congratulations on your pregnancy. Best wishes.
