
Sunday 25 September 2011

breaking my UFO rule......(sigh)

Last week I studiously applied myself to finishing the black wool jacket.  Seriously, I did.  I forced myself to work on it an hour each night until it was all sewn together, including a rather funky paisley print lining:

but before I sewed on the ruffled peplum which would have been the final step, I tried on the jacket after sewing in the sleeves to insert the shoulder pads.  And the fit was appalling! My fault of course for not making a muslin, but I've sewed several Burda jackets before and have found that a size 36 is a good fit, plus I did flat pattern measurements which seemed ok.  But once it was sewn I could see that back was too broad, the shoulder seam too wide and generally just a little too big overall.  All fixable of course, but it would require unstitching quite a few seams but unpicking black thread on black fabric with the added fussiness of block fused whisperweft interfacing is a task that I was just not up to at the moment.

So sadly I have broken my self imposed no new UFO rule which I have adhered to for the last 2 years.  But KayY's comment that sometimes the right garments are just started at the wrong time resonated with me, so I'm considering this one a 'seasonal' UFO and will put it at the top of my to do list next winter.

To even things out I pulled out a summer dress from the UFO box while I was putting this one away, and have already started working on pulling it apart to re-sew and finish it.  So all is well with my little universe.

And Vicki you are so right that the jacket was holding up the sewing queue.  The relief of putting this jacket aside is obvious - I spent a few quiet hours on Saturday afternoon tracing out 4 Burda patterns to go with these spring fabrics I pulled from the stash recently that will become my next four projects (from l-r dress, dress, wide leg pants, dress):

So expect to see some colour (and finished projects) around these parts soon!


  1. I'm glad that you've unblocked your sewing channel. I know it's hard to give yourself permission to have a UFO but this was definitely the right decision for you at this time. I'm looking forward to seeing the new finished projects!

  2. Never mind - you really put in your best and sewing is about enjoyment and relaxation in your spare time - this would have just created lots of frustration. Your next selections look much more fun and appropriate for our warming up weather.

  3. Well the jacket looks impressive on the mannequin, so what a dissapointment there are fit issues! I love your future project fabric choices though - something to look forward to!

  4. At least you had a reason to stop this jacket project for a while - un-picking black stitching on black fabric sounds like a nightmare. I find it so tempting sometimes to stop a project because I am sick of that one and want to get on to the next. Have fun sewing up the next lot of garments.

  5. I have the opposite problem, I cannot leave something alone once I get an idea. I will make coats in the middle of the summer, no problem, if that's what I feel like doing!

    Knowing when to quit is a virtue.

  6. Sometimes the best thing is to let a UFO be a UFO for a while. When you get back to it, you'll have new insight.

  7. Discipline is good, rigidity is not; I think it's really cool you can "break" a rule you've kept for 2 WHOLE YEARS. I mean, wow. I get frustrated and throw them in the "look at later" pile.

    I think the fabric for the grey dress would look fabulous as a top for the wide-leg pants...can't wait to see all these garments!

  8. Don't beat yourself up - if you weren't feelin' your mojo whilst working no a UFO then you're not enjoying yourself, which would defeat the point of a pastime/hobby :)!

    P.S. Q: Re: The grey/white printed fabric in your last photo, do you mind me asking where you bought it from (or if you know the name of the design/of the manufacturer of the print) please? I have an old RTW shell top from H&M that I loved, and sadly is now way to small for me that was made from the exact same fabric (I whipped it out of my wardrobe to check LOL!). I'd been reluctant to send it to the charity shop as I adored the fabric so much. If I can source some new fabric then I can sew a new one for myself that fits!

  9. The collar looks wider than I was thinking it would be... Your moving along....
    I'm loving the other fabric's that are waiting in the wings too...
