
Saturday 17 November 2012

Suck it up, baby!

I'm glad so many of you agreed with my little rant on the unnecessary repetition of tutorials and it wasn't just me! Although ReadyThreadSew did make a good point - sometimes you do need to read many tutorials before you find the one that clicks for you, so in that regard I suppose it's good there are many out there.  And one of the best thing about the internet is that if you find something that annoys or offends you, just click away.  Or better yet turn off your computer and go outside for some fresh air - something I should do more often!

Anyway, one of Toby's emerging teeth have finally popped through, so he's calmed down and we're having what I imagine is going to be a brief reprieve until the next one comes out.  But the dribble! Still with the dribble by the bucket loads.  The poor little thing had quite a red chin rash which is not a good look, so I decided to pause in my selfish sewing and make him some dribble bibs, also known as bandanna bibs.  For those of you that don't have kids and aren't closely acquainted with baby dribble they are simply triangle bibs that are smaller than regular ones because their sole purpose is to keep the neck and clothes of said baby dry.

I found a really cute sheep print in Spotlight's nursery knits line, which is a cotton knit and just right when backed with some terry towelling from some nappy squares I have loads of but use for other things than nappies since I use modern cloth nappies.  Actually Raewyn if you're still reading, thanks again for the nappies and the Little Squirt hose you gave me when I was preggers with Anna - they are still being used in our house and have proved to be a very useful gift.

bandanna bib

So after my rant about unnecessary tutorials, I wouldn't dare offer one for making these! Really, it's just two triangles sewn together with a couple of snaps on the end, so a tutorial really isn't necessary, but if you don't have ready access to a child and would like to make some of these (I think they would be a really good gift along with the standard burp cloth and receiving blanket) here are the dimensions I used:
bandanna bib

The dimensions I used (it it's not clear above: 40cm for the long edge around the neck, 27cm long for the other two sides and a height of 17cm from the point to the neck edge) fit a chubby 8 month old with some extra room so it should fit for some time yet to come.

If you wanted to get really fancy, The Purl Bee has a tutorial for a fancy schmancy double layer bandanna bibs that are really pretty.  I however prefer to keep these things quick and simple, given they are destined to become grubby and be discarded eventually.  And doesn't Toby look pretty happy with his?
bandanna bib

bandanna bib

Just a reminder to anyone in Sydney that sews, blogs, or just reads blogs about sewing that we're having a meet up next Saturday (17 Nov edit: 24 Nov), kicking off at 12.30pm at Tessuti's Surry Hills store.  I got a little too excited about it and thought it was on today - I realised it just after my husband went out with the two kids on his own for the first time, so I had quite the productive and peaceful afternoon.  My husband was a bit tired when he got home, but after 8 months it was about time I think!


  1. I've got a friend who just had a baby, I might make her some of these! Toby looks so cute! And wow, don't tell me Toby is 8 months old! Where does the time go.

  2. Toby is getting so big, before you know it he's going to be off to school.

  3. My baby just left the drooling stage. I wish I had thought or heard of bandana bibs before then! Maybe I'll make him one anyway :)

  4. Isn't it funny when hubby gets the kiddos for a few hours and is exhausted! Mine did it very rarely, but it was always eye-opening anew...

  5. Not that I can come (but I'd love to if it wasn't half a world away) ... but TODAY is 17 Nov. Hope you didn't miss it. Cute idea for the dribble bibs ... wish I sewed back then when I needed them for my 2.

  6. Toby resembles John Wayne in that first pic. Makes me wonder whether the Duke had a dribble problem!

  7. Next week dear - the 24th. See you then!

  8. Hi Kristy,
    on the note of measurements I need your help. I have no kids and no easy access to any and need to make a little kids pinni (back,front and round cutout for the head)for a five year old. what should the approximate measuremnets be?
    Also, I would love to join you guys next saturday but since we have to go up north next week I may not be able to.
    Anyway, if you could help would be great!

  9. I think Toby is going to be a red-head like you. Very cute. I hope you keep making things for your kids so we can keep seeing pictures of them on your blog.

  10. You're right Deb. It's next Saturday and I wish you could come too.

  11. I wish I could come too but I'll be out celebrating my mother's 80th birthday. Bummer. But make another date & I'll be there!

  12. See you on the 24th and Toby looks very happy with his bandana.

  13. Toby is gorgeous in his new bibs. They give him a kind of cowboy look while being practical. Poor mite getting a rash.

  14. I nearly had a heart attack thinking I'd missed the catch up - but it's the coming saturday 24th (I hope!)

  15. d'oh forgot to mention that I was a ferocious dribbler and one of my early memories is of my older sister's contempt at having to change my bib (I was between 2-3) cos I still dribbled. One of my nicknames was dribblepuss. :/
