
Monday 19 November 2012

Reminder: Sydney sewing obessives meet up!

Ok, clearly I need more sleep because I was being as clear as mud in the last post about the Sydney sewing fans meet up this Saturday coming.  It is on the 24th November, and not the 17th as I wrote in the last post (well spotted Debbie Cook!).   My husband accused me of deliberately mixing the dates up so I could get two free Saturdays in a row (and what would be wrong with that I asked him?), but no just me getting things mixed up.  This is why I use an old fashioned Filofax to keep my life in order.....

And if you're looking for this pattern over at the Burda Style website:

so you can make a pretty dress too like I did a few posts ago, the pattern number is actually #118A of issue 10/2012, not #108 as I wrote in the post.  In fact here's the link to the downloadable pattern if you don't have that issue.  Sorry to Almeda and anyone else that I sent off on a wild goose chase!

But on the upside, I'm so glad you're all paying so much attention to what I have to say!


  1. Hi Kristy....I'm looking forward to meeting up ...thanks for organising!

  2. I'm going to try and come along to this! I'll know later in the week.

  3. If I lived in Sydney I'd be there! Have a great time!

  4. Kristy I'd love to meet up but have a 50th wedding anniversary to attend. Your date clashes with the sewing guild meeting. If you don't have the numbers perhaps the following weekend.
