
Monday 16 April 2012

what a difference a week makes

Thank you all for your lovely well wishes and comments to my last post - it really means a lot to me that so many of you took the time to make a comment and share in our happiness.  Plus I feel better learning that so many of you also had a similar experience, not that I wish that pain on anyone but it makes me feel normal. 

As for me, the pain is mostly gone (but not forgotten!).  Life has settled back into normal pretty quickly and Toby has been an absolute gem so far.  Mary Nanna believe me that I'm very relieved that he's totally different to his sister - he sleeps so much! I actually have to wake him to feed day and night, and when he's done he goes back to sleep pretty quickly.  Not too much crying either, although he's only a week and half old so I'm probably jinxing myself by saying all this too soon.  Annie - I think you're right that bigger babies go longer between feeds and sleep better at night, I just hope he keeps going this way.

Another benefit of having a big baby (and associated big placenta) is that the weight just drops away quickly.  I have dropped about 9kg in the last week without even trying at all, and now I'm in that limbo land where my maternity clothes are way too big but my normal clothes are still too small.

Due date - 5 days before actual birth

7 days after giving birth
I am itching to start sewing a new winter wardrobe for myself, but I'm poring over my patterns for clothes that can be easily taken in when I lose more weight.  In the meantime though I've started sewing some little blue things for Toby so that he doesn't have to suffer the indignity of wearing hand me down pink clothes! And of course big sister Anna is demanding some new clothes too, so I have plenty to keep me occupied whilst waiting for some semblance of a waistline to return.


  1. What a beautiful family! Congratulations!
    If you are looking for patterns that can be altered fairly easily, I'd suggest princess seams. Plenty of opportunities for adjustment with them!
    Threads magazine #120 (Aug. Sept. 2005) has an article called 'Sew Clothes that Keep on Fitting'.

  2. I don't comment here much, but I do so enjoy reading your blog. Your stories about your little girl remind me so much of my own at that age. She's 13 now. She was 3 yrs 4 months older than her little brother. He was such a sleeper when he was an infant just as you describe Toby. I was concerned enough to ask his doctor, because I would have to wake him up to feed him. He turned out to be just a really great super laid back kid. They are really beautiful children and I enjoy kind of "looking back in time" because they seem so similar in temperament to mine.

  3. That picture of the Anna & Toby together needs to be blown up into poster size. They look so cute! Glad you're feeling better - you look great!

  4. glad to see you back! and good news for the sleeping baby :) I'm looking forward to seeing your new creations. Having carried such a baby must have hurted your lower back quite a lot!

  5. you all make beautiful babies!!!

  6. Such a relief to know your newborn sleeps a lot. Lack of sleep really get you. I am sure it won't be long before all your baby weight is gone.

  7. You look so wonderful!! And your kids are both adorable! Best wishes on settling into a whole "new normal." I look forward to what you sew, but take your time and enjoy those little ones!

  8. Cute photo of Anna and little brother! Glad to hear Toby is a good sleeper. Will make all the difference.

  9. Happy to hear you're healing well and what a great pic of your lambies.

  10. Glad to hear you are all well. Good on Toby for loving his sleep.

  11. Beautiful photo of Anna and Toby and so glad he is a good sleeper.

  12. He is a big baby and so cute. So glad you are recovering well and itching to get back to sewing. Enjoy the new baby smell while it lasts and you will find that with a big newborn they outgrow everything you started out with in the layette before the first month. My son was a whopping 9 lbs plus as well.

    Theresa in Tucson

  13. That is such a beautiful photo of Anna and Toby. Really pleased to hear he is sleeping well. Ann.

  14. That picture is wonderful. You all look so happy.

  15. Just looking at that sweet, chubby baby makes me feel happy. Can you get endorphins from pictures of babies? It must be so. Thank you for sharing such precious times. I'm new to this world of sewing and blogs and I'm so thankful to you all. I'm learning so much more than just how to sew.

  16. They are beautiful! Enjoy

  17. I remember reading your blog when Anna was born! And sympathizing as I had a non-sleeper just like her. My older child was a good eater and sleeper and 9 years later is still the easiest and most laid back kid going. Congratulations on the birth of Toby, he looks adorably squeezable!

  18. Congratulations! I hope he keeps up the sleep for you. My fatty was not a good sleeper and only dropped his night bottle at 8mths. I figure he was just really hungry as he was bigger. I really could not sew anything for myself until I knew my weight/size was more stable. Isn't it nice not to be heavily pregnant anymore, lol. Glad to hear you are doing well. The kids look very cute together.

  19. Love that photo of Anna and Toby! Glad things are going well for you.

  20. Precious gorgeous little boy! Congratulations to you all! Such a wonderful time in your lives. Enjoy.

  21. Absolutely delightful, enjoy that gorgeous new baby boy.
