
Monday 9 April 2012

the reluctant baby is here

It's a boy

Toby Thomas made a hurried entrance into the world on Thursday afternoon, weighing an eye watering 4.43kg (9lb 7oz).

Well it seems the best way to bring on an overdue baby is to write a long ranty post about everything you've tried already, because after I wrote the last post late on Wednesday night I woke up at 5.30am on Thursday morning with a very mild contraction.  Since my contractions at that stage were quite mild and well spaced out I told my husband to go to work thinking that this could go on for days.  I even started to do some washing and housework that's how sure I was that it would take some time!

But they certainly became more frequent and painful very quickly, and when we got to the hospital at lunchtime the first thing I asked for was an epidural.  When the midwife told me that I was fully dilated and that it was too late for any pain relief other than some gas I bawled my eyes out like the baby I was about to deliver a la naturale.  I totally respect those who choose to deliver naturally but I never expected to be one of them - I knew how much it was going to hurt even with an epidural! And I was right, it was the most excruciating pain of my life, especially when his shoulders got stuck and I suffered a third degree tear getting the rest of his buddha body out.

So I am still a little shellshocked to be honest.  Shocked that I had a spontaneous labour, one that was so quick, and that I did it with no drugs.  And I'm really surprised at how big he is - where was all that baby hiding?

Anna is delighted with her new baby brother, even if he's not the little girl she predicted.  In fact she's already told me that next year I can have a girl baby - not likely!

Anyway the painful part is now behind me and its time to enjoy our new baby.    So please excuse me for a little while - I'm busy sitting on a doughnut cushion feeding a ravenous baby and eating easter eggs!


  1. Congratulations! Welcome to the world Toby.

  2. Congratulations! What a sweet boy.

  3. Congratulations!! Rest up!

  4. Congratulations! He is precious! Also, congrats on being a trooper throughout the delivery!

  5. Congrats! Enjoy every moment!

  6. Congratulations! Having had a 3rd degree tear, I suggest glycerine suppositories and lots of sitz baths. You should feel much better in about a week!

  7. Congratulations! Best of health and happiness to your whole family!

  8. Congratulations, and what a whopper Toby is.

  9. Oh I hear you about feeling shell shocked after birth. That's exactly how I felt. I've only just put the donut away 3 weeks later.

  10. Congratulations! It seems like the most painful births happen naturally. My sister had 3 and only the last one was natural - of course he was a posterior birth which is VERY painful. Still, what a blessing! Cheers to you and your fabulous family.

  11. Congratulations and good for you for laboring without anything for pain but poor you for a 3rd degree tear. No fun. I am sure that all will be well from now on.


  12. Congratulations! Sorry the delivery was traumatic and glad the outcome is perfect! Enjoy...

  13. Congratulations! What a lovely little baby!

  14. Hooray! A beautiful little boy! (And commiserations on the 3rd degree tear - ouch, ouch and more ouch). Take care and I hope that the next few weeks as you recover and settle into to being a family of four are just wonderful. Congratulations Kristy!

  15. Congrats! My second baby was a week late and very quick too--woke up in labor, had baby by 1 pm. 9 lbs. 11 oz. But we all knew where I was hiding that much baby, sigh ;) Congrats on your wonderful boy!

  16. Congratulations to you and your family! A boy... I really did think that that's what you were going to have. What a big boy too! Ouch!!! Just remember that you have the rest of his life to tell him how you brought him into this world without drugs... (you can ham it up good... you didn't want to hurt him with drugs etc... etc... LoL)Rest relax... and enjoy!
    Oh... by the way... April 5th; our oldest daughters birthday! Yep, we celebrated with the family today... ahem, she is a bit older than your little guy... like 33 years! LoL... the daughter who got the family additions a few years back.
    So happy for you and the rest of the family!

  17. Congratulations! Hope you feel better quickly.

  18. Congratulations! He is just lovely. Well done you for making it through (not that it sounds like you had any choice!) - I hope you recover quickly as you enjoy this special time with your boy and his proud big sister.

  19. Congratulations and best wishes to the four of you.

  20. Congratulations! And I hope you're getting pain relief now!

  21. Congratulations on your precious son. Just in time for Easter. I hope you heal quickly so we can see all the lovely things you sew for him.

  22. Dont you feel so clever though !! good job :)Hope you heal as quickly as he came out, and begin to enjoy him completely.

    Congratulations !!

  23. Welcome to Toby. You did a great job!
    He looks very much like his sister, doesn't he? (they are both beautiful)

    Ps: don't eat too much chocolate, if you feed him, don't ask why I say do :-)

  24. He is glorious! I am so pleased for you and your family. Lizzie.

  25. Congratulations! Now you have to change "About me" part to a mom of TWO humans!

  26. Congratulations! I've been waiting with baited breath! So pleased for you all. Our midwife recommended Badedas bubble bath (made from sweet chestnut) for perineal healing - if it's available in Australia I do recommend
    Enjoy your newly expanded family x

  27. Dear Kristy and family
    Congratulations on you little baby son/brother. I am very happy for you.
    Wishing you a good recovery from the birth and a good start into life for Toby.
    All the best.

  28. Congratulation on the new baby. Well done on the birth.

  29. Congratulation! What a little sweetie!

  30. Congratulations, delightful news. Gorgeous baby and lovely name.

  31. Congratulations! What a beautiful little boy!

  32. WOW!! Congratulations!! He is gorgeous. Well done on the delivery.

  33. Congratulations Kristy! He's beautiful. Enjoy your boy!

  34. YAY! What a lovely Easter delight. He's absolutely beautiful!! Hope you heal up quickly--that sounds like it was really painful!!

  35. Congratulations. Glad to hear that you and baby are both well.

  36. A big awwwww to you and your family. He is just beautiful. There is nothing more special in the world than the birth of a healthy baby and happy mum. Enjoy your eggs.

  37. Another perfect creation! Enjoy these first special days together.

  38. Congratulations! I was anxiously following your posts, checking everyday to see! What a lovely little (or rather, big!) boy! Enjoy him, and get better soon! Look after yourself!
    Louise (Gold Coast)

  39. Hooly Dooly that's a big fella- gorgeous through. Congrats to all the family and props to you for the manner in which you had to deliver. Take care.

  40. Congratulations! Welcome baby Toby! Thanks for taking the time to let us all know the good news. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  41. Congratulations to all of you with your new baby-boy and well done! He looks adorable. I'm glad for you that labour started in the natural way and I hope that you have a speedy and full recovery.

  42. Congratulations on your healthy baby boy (and the spontaneous labour). He's a lovely addition to your family :)

  43. congratulations kristy!! best wishes to your family =)

  44. Congratulations, ouch and welcome Toby!

  45. Congratulations Kristy!! Welcome to Toby! Thank goodness the pain goes away. That'll make for quite a story to tell Toby later - and what you managed is a lot to be proud of. I hope you feel better very soon!

  46. Congratulations on the healthy and natural arrival of Toby.

  47. Congratulations on the baby and normal delivery, commiserations on the third degree tear:((( enjoy this time:)

  48. Aww, congratulations. Wow, I feel your pain. The good thing is it was fast, though I would rather not experience the pain no matter how quick the labour. I respect you totally for going through that. Your baby is so cute. I hope you feel better soon.

  49. Congratulations, he is lovely! I hope you recover soon x

  50. Congratulations!! I too would have bawled had I been told no epidural. He's adorable and what a perfect name!

  51. Congratulations! And well done you - what a superwoman. I know what you mean about feeling stunned, I was like that after a super-fast second labour. Hope you have some time to enjoy the Easter eggs and gorgeous baby.

  52. Congratulations to you all! He is lovely!

  53. Aww hello little Toby, and congratulations to your family :)

  54. Congratulations, Such a beautiful family. Those big babies do have an advantage, believe it or not. Often they go a little longer between feeds and sleep longer at night. So happy for you that all is well.

  55. Ouch! Well done you, you now deserve every little bit of rest that you can get. Lovely family pics, thank you for sharing. LauraUK

  56. Congratulations! He's a beautiful baby. Enjoy.

  57. Saúde e felicidade para a família!

  58. Congratulations on your healthy baby boy. However, I must admit, I actually shuddered when you wrote "third degree tear" - um, ouch doesn't quite cover it, does it??

  59. Congratulations to you and the whole family. You're a wonderful Mum.

  60. Congratulations, to all of you!

  61. Congratulations to you and your family. He's so beautiful!!!!

  62. Wow! What an exciting story! Congratulations on your baby, sorry you had to go through so much pain to have him. My first boy was 9lbs. 2 oz. and we were surprised he was so big too. He was so fat and chunky but is now the skinniest little person. Anyway, I'm glad you now have one of each.

  63. Congratulations!! I hope you're starting to feel better - I remember my mom needing some extra recovery time after my brother was born... at a whopping 11lbs. My mom also had him au-naturale. The doctor actually had to put a vacuum-type device on my brother's head to pull his shoulders out.

  64. Oh, happy news! So glad for you and your family.

  65. Congratulations! I hope you recover quickly. Anna sure keeps things interesting for you.

  66. Awww, he's lovely! Congratulations to you and your family.

  67. Congratulations! I've been a long-time reader, but I don't think I've ever commented before. I had been thinking of you and was sure you had had the baby by now and was so happy to see pictures this morning. You have a beautiful family and a precious baby! Make sure your hubby pampers you while you recover. :)

    BTW - My 2nd baby was 11 lbs 1 oz, and I had him naturally, too. He was so big that not only his shoulders were stuck, but also his belly and his bottom! Apparently his birth was legendary at my hospital as I just had my 4th baby a month ago and at least half a dozen nurses came by to see me and ask how that big baby they helped deliver was doing and wish me luck and make a weight guess on my 4th.

    Congratulations again - Your baby and family are beautiful!

  68. Congratulations!! You look wonderful, and so does that sweet mannie. I hope your recovery is quick!

  69. Congratulations! I can totally relate-all three of mine were over 9lbs, and one was 10lbs-he had big shoulders too! Painful, but quick! Everyone looks great! Hope you feel better soon.

  70. Congratulations to you all! He's absolutely gorgeous, just like the rest of your clan! Best wishes.

  71. How wonderful that your labor started naturally and that you have such a big fine boy to show for it at the end! I am so happy for you and your family. Congratulations!

  72. Beautiful boy! I'm glad that everything turned out OK. Congratulations!

  73. Congratulations and welcome Toby! What an adventure his birth was. What a big boy!

  74. Congratulations, what a tremendous trooper you are! Your family looks extremely happy, and the little buddha is of course adorable. I love his skinny, wrinkly little newborn feet!

  75. Congratulations! What a beautiful boy, and what a lovely family you have! Take things easy (as if there is any other option) and enjoy!

  76. Congratulations! How cute are those cheeks!

  77. Ha! Ha! I love your story telling. You have a nice looking family and congratulations on the new baby.

  78. Welcome beautiful baby boy! Toby looks just llike Anna! Rest well and heal quickly.

  79. Congratulations he is beautiful as is your big girl.

  80. Oh bless your heart! But you did it! He's here and he's handsome and your little family is so sweet. Congrats!

  81. Congratulations, He is gorgeous! will raise a glass of bubbly to you all. Rubber rings are marvelous aren't they xxxxx

  82. Congratulations to all. You have a beautiful family.

  83. JOY! Been praying for you, so thankful everyone is safe, so glad to see everyone is delighted and happy. Congratulations!

  84. Congratulations! You have a very cute family!


    Rose in SV

  85. Congratulations! Toby is beautiful and I'm pleased Anna is such a welcoming big sister. Hope you are feeling better soon and have plenty of help.

  86. Congratulations on your sweet baby boy! Also, for getting through labor like that (been there, but not with an over 4 kg baby!). I hope you heal well and he lets you sleep a lot, to make up for some of what you've been through!

  87. Congratulations! What a beautiful boy - wishing you speedy healing and much joy with your gorgeous family.

  88. Congratulations! I'm so happy that Toby is healthy, Anna loves him, and you are recovering. The perfect little family.

  89. Congratulations, it's lovely to see his little face! Enjoy your first few weeks together xxx

  90. I am so glad for you that he is out! I had a feeling it would be a boy...and what a good size he is! Congratulations. You know it really doesn't matter how they come into the world, does it, so long as they are healthy.
    Enjoy your new family.

  91. Congratulations to the growing family!

  92. Congratulations! What a wonderful baby boy!

  93. Congratulations! I am glad he has arrived - and what a cutie :) I hope you heal quickly.

  94. Congratulations - you deserve a medal. No medal? Oh well, a cute baby boy will just have to do. I hope now that he has made his entrance *felt* that he has the decency to be a good sleeper.

  95. Congratulations! Toby looks just like Anna. I hope you heal quickly and he sleeps well, so you can get back to sewing soon :)

  96. Congratulations! That sounds like my second labour---arriving fully dilated and far too late for pain relief. At least it was over quickly!

    He's beautiful (and huge!)! Enjoy, rest up, and take all the time you need. :)

  97. Congratulations! Hope you heal fast to enjoy your new bundle of joy.

  98. Congratulations! What a lovely family you all make. I'm sorry to hear about your 3rd degree tear - it made me cringe for you. Wishing you speedy healing!

  99. Congratulations! He's beautiful.

  100. Congratulations! I hope you will recover soon. That must be really painful. April boy should be very energetic...I was also born in April. What a lovely family

  101. My son weighed EXACTLY that amount - very much eye-watering! Unfortunately, those big ol' shoulders wouldn't come out and I ended up with a C-Section. Then... my daughter was 9'11", DID come out the usual way, and I ended up with 3rd degree tears. So I can 100% understand what you are going through.

    He is absolutely beautiful, no wonder Anna is thrilled. Congrats to your family, you did a great job!

  102. Congratulations Kristy! I'm so glad you didn't have to be induced. :)

  103. How awesome! And he really must be big, to look big in all the pictures.
    Glad it's all good. Congratulations!

  104. Congratulations, Kristy! Toby is one gorgeous little baby. Look after yourself and enjoy him as much as you can!

  105. Congratulations to you and your family on your Beautiful baby.

  106. Me too! Me too! I wanna wish both you and your husband congratulations on adding a little prince to the family!

  107. Congratulations! Wishing you a quick healing process and multiple hours of uninterrupted sleep. :)

  108. Congratulations! I think I should work as a chicken sexer. I have a 100% success rate at guessing the gender of unborn children. Anna looks thrilled.

  109. Congratulations from me also. And...I agree with you; where WAS he hiding?

  110. Aww congrats! He's a cute one.
    Hope the healing is quick.

  111. Congratulations! He's adorable!

  112. Congratulations! Your children are beautiful and it amazes me how much they look alike.
