
Monday 3 February 2014

5th Birthday dress

Anna was peering over my shoulder looking at my blog and demanded to know why I hadn't posted her birthday dress yet, so here it is! I had completely forgotten to post it since I made it last year before Christmas and I gave it to her while we were on holidays so it got lost in all the activity that's been going on lately.

Can you all believe that this is the fifth birthday dress that I've made for her? Long time readers will remember when I was preggers with her, and here we are at no.5 already! I figured this might be the last year I get to choose the pattern and make a super sweet birthday dress for so I went all out saccharine this year:

I used a vintage Simplicity pattern (Simplicity 2059), although I greatly increased the length of the skirt because Anna is a such a beanpole and the pattern was designed to be short in the way that vintage little kids clothes used to be, worn over bloomers. Looking at this photo I can see I probably added too much length but that's easy fixed (when it gets done is another story altogether!).
The fabrics came from the stash, a white cotton eyelet which funnily enough made a small appearance on last year's birthday day dress, underlined in a bright pink cotton. Because the fabric became rather thick with the eyelet underlined with cotton I decided to make the skirt with wide pleats rather than gathers.
I also decided to make a separate sash to use as a tie on belt rather than short ones sewn into the side seam so that the pink belt would break up the whiteness of the dress all the way around. I also did the peter pan collar in the pink fabric to make it stand out. 
And of course her little brother had to get in on the act, although he's not wearing any clothes I've made him. Since it was 46 deg. that day when we were in Queensland visiting the in laws it was actually quite sensible to get around in very little.
And the other thing that happens to Aussie kids when they turn 5 or thereabouts is that they start school! A big yippee from me that the big day finally came last week, because Anna has been so excited about going to big school, asking endless questions and trying on her school uniform over and over again. The big day came and went with no tears from either of us - I'm just so proud of her that she's starting this new chapter in her life with a positive, happy attitude. Of course it helps that she loves her school uniform which is a very fine red and white stripe that almost looks pink.
Shall we take a small walk down memory lane? This is her fourth birthday dress:


Third birthday dress (clearly I have a thing for peter pan collars):

Second birthday dress:


And finally thank you to everyone on the wonderful comments to my dress in the last post - clearly it's a winner. I've already worn it to work two weeks in a row which I don't usually do since I have so many dresses and only work 3 days a week at the moment, but it's currently my firm favourite.


  1. Gosh...I remember when Anna was born. Time goes by so fast. Next thing you know she will be in high school! Love all her birthday dresses.

  2. What a beautiful dress and Anna looks so grown-up! Congratulations to her on starting school.

  3. I can't believe that Anna is five and has started school. Like Alison I feel I've known her all her life. The dress is really lovely.

  4. Oh yes, I certainly do remember when Anna was born! Happy belated birthday to her! Your recap of her birthday dresses is so great (but this latest one takes the cake). Love your attitude about her big new adventure: a wonderful milestone for you both.

  5. oooooohhhhh, thanks for sharing the birthday dress retrospective as well as the current one. Seems to me that both of you are very lucky! Great posing skills (as well as great sewing skills, of course.....).


  6. Beautiful dress. Five years goes so quickly when you have children. Anna looks great in her uniform and well done for no tears (from either!) Toby's looking very tall too!

  7. Happy 5th birthday to Anna from snowy NJ!! I started reading your blog around the time she wasn't sleeping through the night....guess you're past all of that now!

  8. Anna is a big girl now! And all those beautiful dresses you made for her!... She's lucky to have such a talented mum. *^-^*

  9. She has grown, happy birthday to your sweetie! I think I started following your blog just before you announced you were pregnant, and I cannot believe it has been more than five years, wow!
    Cute dress, BTW :D

  10. I started reading your blog when Anna was about a year old. Wow, time flies! My little guy will be 6 next month. It's hard to believe that~ I like the length of that dress & she looks as adorable as always in it. As does her sibling in his fancy attire :-p

  11. Beautiful dress! You did a great job! Quick question about school. In the US, kids start school in September. If they aren't old enough, they wait till the next year. Do kids start school as soon as they turn 5 in Australia? Just curious.

  12. Super cute, great job as usual!

  13. Oh my gosh, how time flies. Beautiful dress! So sweet and girly and perfect.

  14. A darling dress for a darling girl!!

  15. Adorable dresses and children.

    Do kids start at age 5, even if that falls in the middle of the school year? In the US, you start half day kindergarten at the beginning of the school year as long as you turn five before the age cutoff. In CA, it's Sept 3 for a late August school term start. So, if you miss it by a day, you have to wait an entire year.

  16. Yes, like badmomgoodmom said... our kids always had to wait for the next school year if they missed the cut off date (which is different in each area). So our son was older then most kids when he graduated.... at 18, having turned 18 in Oct. and then graduated in June the following year.
    She is growing like a weed... then again, so are all our grands too! The b-day dress is cute! Neat to see how she has changed!

  17. What beautiful birthday dresses (and even her school uniform is cute)! I love the picture with little brother:)

  18. Five years?? Already? All these dresses are so pretty, and Anna is such a professional:)
    In the NSW system,children can start school if their fifth birthday occurs in that year before July 31. So some kids will be 5 already, some still 4. My son was born in April but I kept him back for various reasons so he was 5 years and 10 months when he started school. My daughter, with a March birthday, was 4 years and 11 months.
    I think every state has it's own system though. I think some states start them on their fifth birthday, whenever that occurs.

  19. How gorgeous. A big belated birthday to Anna. And how cute she looks in her uniform. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I have only been blogging for a couple of years so missed the early ones. Gorgeous.

  20. You've a great Mum. Anna looks wonderful and it's great that she always has a birthday dress that Mum made. Congratulations.

  21. Beautiful birthday dress this year and hope Anna had a gorgeous birthday. Love the tripped down memory lane and so cute in her new school uniform!

  22. The contrasting pink collar and sash are perfect!!! Gorgeous dress.

  23. So glad she is happy at school. School doesn't make home life much easier for a while, but its still good. I hate to wish my life away, but I'm hanging for Adele to start school. Lovely dress for Anna too. Don't take it up. If she's like my kids she'll only shoot up in a couple of months and it will be too small for her.

  24. That dress is too cute. My youngest started school this year - That five years flew.

  25. So many of us have little ones starting school this year. I just adore this dress and thanks for the retrospective shots. All those dresses look just darling on your little one. All the best for her year at school.

  26. Kristy
    How grown up Anna looks now - so lovely to Hera how positive she is about school and all the joys that will bring you all.
    Well done you for a gorgeous dress and beautiful model :)

  27. All the birthday dresses are so cute and stylish! As a long time reader of your blog it's hard to believe that Anna who was once a 'challenging' baby has grown into such a lovely young girl.

  28. Lovely dresses! You remind me of the first birthday dress that I made for my daughter :)

  29. It's a lovely dress! In no time at all you'll be making her a dress for her 21st (although I imagine it will be much shorter...)

  30. Awww, little school girl. It only seems the other day my girls were starting prep. They have both now finished uni. Boy time flies. And Anna is 5! Very nice dress - perfect for a 5 yo princess.

  31. Wow, she is SUCH a looker! I can't think there'd be anything much more satisfying than having your child eager to get started with school - I love kids with chutzpah. Great shot of the two of them up against the cabinet too :)

  32. N hem folks - Anna is not starting school mid-year - February is the end of summer in Australia.

  33. Wow sweet sweet little dress for Anna - and my oh my don't they grow up so fast. When our two were school starters they were so brave too, we had only a few tears and (surprisingly) none from mummy! I was brave too lol.

    I love the lineup of the mummy-made birthday dresses - you're a lovely mummy.
