
Monday 18 November 2013

Australian Sewing Guild featured member - me!

The Australian Sewing Guild has just launched its website with a much needed fresh new look and guess who just happens to be one of the first featured members? That's right - it is me! My husband thinks it's super hilarious, admittedly the photo is rather large and prominent on the website. Have a look for yourself here.

I was one of the lucky ducks who got to spend Saturday sewing at the Tessuti Surry Hill's store for the day and I made a lot of progress on my white blazer. It was so inspiring not only sewing with lovely ladies like Sharon, Maria, BeaJay and other non-blogging sewing ladies, but also to be surrounded all day be beautiful fabrics and creative people shopping there all day was also encouraging. The lovely Colette is so genuinely lovely and  friendly with all the customers, and it was a real pleasure to be there.

It was also lovely to be recognised by a blog reader, who was equally excited to see Sharon and they got talking about some project or other. And the funniest thing was when a mother dragged her daughter over to us wearing her school formal dress asking for our opinion as to how to make it more modest - it was a one shoulder strap dress that she wanted to somehow add lace sleeves to it.

Of course I couldn't escape without making a fabric purchase (or two!). I'm not restricting my fabric purchases although I am trying to sew from the stash as a first priority. But I already have plans for the two fabrics I purchased so they sort of don't really count as additions to the stash!

On the left is a Michael Kors rayon (which doesn't seem to be in the online store) that I'll make some sort of dress for work from, and on the right is a viscose jersey (Boardwalk Jersey) that I am planning to make a simple t-shirt style dress.

Hopefully I'll be back in a few days with a photo of my finished white blazer - I think that by putting it down here in writing I'll be forcing myself to come up with the goods!

Oh and can I finish with a whinge (yes Renata I'm going to whinge about Burda!) - my November issue still hasn't turned up and it's now more than half way through the month. How can I keep to my Burda challenge when they are keeping me hanging on like this?


  1. It was certainly a great day and yes - I still have fabric envy over that Michael Kors print. WANT. If I hadn't spent so much money .... maybe next time. Looking forward to seeing the white jacket.

    1. your consolation prize is the lovely fabric you purchased instead!

  2. Lovely interview Kristy. Love that raspberry suit! Looking forward to seeing the white jacket too.

    1. ooh the pressure of getting that white jacket done - I'm feeling it!

  3. I'm so glad you whinged. I'm cross at burda too. My copy must be lost with your copy!

    1. I'm getting crosser as each day passes and people are starting to talk about the December issue, hurry up Burda!

  4. Congratulations! *^o^*
    I love your jersey, cannot wait to see the dress.

    1. thank you. I have a very simple dress planned for the jersey so hopefully it will be done sooner rather than later

  5. You make a great first featured member!!!

  6. Lovely suit and lovely photo, congrats on the member profile it was beautifully written. Also, great choice in fabrics and I look forward to seeing them made up :)

    1. thanks Sandra, I'll have to get on to making them now I've made grand claims about them not becoming part of the stash!

  7. You do look impressive as a featured member on ASG. You're right - it was great to be around such beautiful fabric for 1 day.
    Looking forward to seeing your new white blazer.

  8. Congrats. It is well deserved. Very nice photo of yourself on the front.

  9. Replies
    1. thanks Paola - I thought it was pretty cool too but my husband thought it was hilarious!

  10. Congrats on being featured on the website! It is a well deserved honor!

  11. Congratulations on the feature. That rayon is lovely. I can't wait to see the dress you make from it.

    1. Thanks! The rayon is lovely, I'm itching to get started on it but I need to finish a few things first (no more UFOs for me!)

  12. Congrats on the feature - you are assuredly a great ambassador for our sewing world. How wonderful to be able to spend a day with like minded souls in such a fabulous environment. I am green with envy! And re the stash - I love the way you think! Cheers, Karen

  13. Oh cool! I was on their website the other day wondering whether I should join. I love the question about how many lifetimes it would take to sew your stash! :)

    1. thanks Melanie - you should definitely check out the local ASG groups in your area. It's more than just group sewing, there's also workshops, fabric shopping trips, industry days etc - I don't know why I didn't join earlier!

  14. Congratulations Kristy on your feature. I often look in the magazine and feel I am too young to go to some of the events. So I am delighted to look on the ASG website and see a young mum who juggles works and kids with her passion...obsession like myself. It is from ASG that I have discovered your blog and have spent the last 2 hours reading back through your postings. I too prescribe to Burda and I love the idea of completing a project from each magazine, I am going to steal this idea and do it too. I cant wait to follow your activity, thankyou for your inspiration.

    1. Thanks Meagan - I'm glad I inspire instead of putting you off with my grumbles about Burda! I used to think that I was too young for the ASG too but I've discovered that even though there is a wide variety of ages we're all obsessed about sewing so it doesn't matter at all.

  15. It was great to see you as the featured member and the article was a great read. I really enjoyed our day together last Saturday and can't wait to see the white blazer finished.

    1. It's always a fun day sewing with you Sharon, now I must get cracking on that white blazer that I've promised!

  16. Very strange about very late Burda. I haven't got mine either. I got a phone call today asking if I had got mine yet. Now I will whinge, it's not my fault. But perhaps just as well for me, I am neck high in boxes (moving - and good news, dog is coming too). Also in withdrawl, haven't sewn for weeks. But getting some relief reading reviews. So get cracking. I meant to tell you the other Saturday, I really loved your new Vogue dress, which I just happen to have the pattern for.

  17. Congratulations on the feature! Being in the bush, I have never really kept up with ASG's website, will pop on over there now and have a looky. And my Burda hasn't arrived yet either!

  18. Gosh I have a famous friend! I didn't know about the get together last week - I seem to be out of the loop. Hope to see you at ASG tomorrow.

  19. Oh wow, that Kors print reminds me of a Prada print from a few years ago that I loved. The dress used yellow or green piping to accent it.
