
Friday 11 October 2013

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I've had the most frustrating two weeks, sewing wise. All I'm trying to do is sew a simple pencil skirt to go with the red jacket that I made recently but all I've had is one thing after another. I did sew and fit the skirt at my ASG sewing day two Saturdays ago, but I forgot to reduce the skirt length when I traced the pattern, so the back vent of the skirt was a ridiculous 2cm long. Unpick, recut the back panel. Then when I made the lining it was too tight because it doesn't have any stretch like the fabric. Unpick some more. Then the lining was too loose for the skirt because I could see wrinkling through the fabric. Unpick some more......

And then I slightly burnt the tips of a few fingers on my right hand trying to make a toasted cheese sandwich while juggling a wriggly toddle on one hip (note to self: don't do that again!) which were too sore and then too calloused to sew! At this point I figured the sewing universe was trying to tell me something and I gave up on the skirt for the moment. We also took the kids camping, proper bush camping, which was fun but very very tiring so I needed a few days to recover from that too! So the skirt is still unmade, but I have cut out a simple dress to make for my next project when the skirt is done and I tidied up my sewing room ready for a fresh start.

Which is where I found a dress that I had started sewing for Anna two ASG sewing days ago (end of August) and had forgotten about it even though it only needed a zipper and some ric rac. So I tempted fate and finished the dress - seems my sewing fingers may have returned because I had no problems and the recipient is very happy with her new dress:
Style-2168-purple-polka-dot-twirly-dressFor a change this isn't stash fabric, which I remember now is why I set it aside at the time - it was towards the end of the stashbusting contest and I was trying to finish stash projects first. I used a vintage Style pattern which I had used before so I knew it would fit and I added an extra layer to the skirt for additional twirliness:


I love the cute peter pan collar which I made from a white cotton shirting fabric and the little ruffle sleeves.

Now onto finishing that skirt - I won't let a simple pencil skirt defeat me!


  1. What a great fabric! I wouldn't say no to a dress like that, in my age! *^o^*~~~
    Fingeres crossed for your pencil skirt!

  2. Anna looks super cute in her new dress. Regarding sewing frustration - we all have those moments. When I come upon them, I stop what I'm doing and wait for a better mood.

  3. I hate sewing days like that (and then burning your fingers... I would probably had a tiny hissy fit!) Preparing for a fresh start on another day is a very smart move. Wicked cute purple dress, though!

  4. I'm kind of glad I'm nort the only one who needs a few days to recover after a camping 'vacation'. My husband doesn't understand that it's not really relaxing for me. I'm spending most of my time making sure my son doesn't get lost in the woods/drown/leap off of high things. We're going this weekend (it's Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada!). But at least on this trip my inlaws and an aunt are coming too, so there should be lots of people for my son to take on his adventures!

  5. She does look adorable, and her hair is so long! It's growing so fast! Ay, burnt fingers, bush camping, and then annoying sewing restarts. I myself just tried to jumpstart my dormant sewing by tackling the Simplicity kimino-style empire waist knit top. I've cut out the back torso wrong, twice. I accidentally cut out the short sleeve version on top, which is such a fabric hog that I cannot possibly recut the longer sleeves from stash--so I think this will be a spring top. So Kristy, you were not alone in getting annoyed by sewing. But you inspire me to keep going :) --Katharine in Brussels

  6. Anna looks so pretty in her new super twirling dress! Hope you can finish your skirt soon, and finally get it off your mind and jump into a fresh new project.

  7. Love this purple dress on your daughter! And I have every confidence that you will win over the pencil skirt:)

  8. Holy crap - you went camping with the kids? Both kids? Real camping? Real roughing it? You're more woman than I'll ever be.

    Oh & Anna looks as adorable as ever in that dress.

  9. Exceptionally cute dress. I'm looking forward to seeing the skirt.
    Bless you for back country camping with children. There is a special place in heaven for you (where I would think they would throw in flushing toilets because hey... it's heaven right?).

  10. Super cute dress! Love the purple!

  11. Ouch - hpe fingers have recovered well.. I think e must all have those frustrating times,, At least you have finished a beautiful dress for your gorgeous girl.. Love that last pic.

  12. Oh no! What a bad run of luck :( This is such a super cute polka dot dress for your wee one- adorable!

  13. Cute dress for a cute little girl. Hope your fingers feel better soon.

  14. Anna has her Mum's smile. Lovely twirl dress.
    I hope your fingers heal fast.

  15. You will conquer that skirt I'm sure and Anna's dress is gorgeous, love the twirls!

  16. I'm with Sharon... you will conquer your skirt, after you've let it go for a while. Gorgeous dress with the Peter Pan collar, the ruffle sleeves and the polka dot.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I have been sewing for 45 years and I can guarantee that sewing frustration will continually plague me. Every new project has the opportunity to frustrate me and from it, I have learnt incredible patience. There has to be something good from something bad!! You will be fine and from this frustration you will learn something that you didn't know before.
    Anna looks so sweet in her pretty dress with it's Peter Pan collar. No wonder she is delighted with it.

  19. This dress is darling! The other two you linked too are very cute as well, but I love, LOVE this one with the extra tier and the sleeveless bodice. The touch of rick rack is just right and that Peter Pan collar is so sweet.

  20. LOVE the title of this post. We all need a sewing reboot from time to time!
    The dress is so pretty!

  21. Yep we've all had moments when we try to juggle too much. Anna's dress is very pretty - perfectly swirly the way little girls like it.

  22. How annoying about the skirt! What is it with easy projects turning out like a nightmare. Hope your fingers are better by now. Oh my camping! I was never really into camping and always wanted to try... But I hate sleeping bags;(

  23. Too much adventure getting in the way of sewing accomplishments! Hopefully, things will settle down now and you can complete that skirt.

  24. sosososocute!!!! i totally get the off-week thing. we've all been there ;P glad you're back at it :)
