
Monday 2 September 2013

Year to date stocktake

I know it's a little unusual and quite random to do a post tallying up the projects I've completed so far this year, but since I had to compile a list and photograph it for my entry in to the Australian Sewing Guild stashbusting competition I thought I'd share it here too. The rules for the contest were that the projects had to be wearable, made since January 1 2013 and from fabric that was in the stash prior to March 2013.

It turns out that I've made a total 41 projects that fit into the parameters of the competition (although I've made a few more projects from non stash fabric and some non wearable projects) and I've used a total length of 54.9m (total area of 76m) of fabric from the stash! When I put it down in cold hard figures like that I'm quite impressed with myself - I think that's quite a reasonable effort.

Unsurprisingly the most items I made were dresses for myself:

Only two skirts, and one pair of pants and shorts:

One shirt yet to be blogged, one jacket and three tops (one of which was a UFO for 14 years!)

Quite a few things for Anna:

And nearly as many things for Toby:

And one thing only for my husband, plus accessories for myself and Toby:

Not pictured are two pairs of pants I made for a friend's son and a blouse that turned out so horrible I've already binned.

I'd love to say that my stash is now reduced greatly and there are gaping holes in the shelves, but no - there is no discernible difference in my stash despite using all that fabric!


  1. Isn't it impressive to see it all in one place? And I'm glad that I'm not the only one whose primarily sewing dresses! Finally I understand about the stash busting...ive given away quite a bit this year and I still have an incredible amount of fabric left! I definitely have to add less and sew more from the collection.

    1. I'm starting to see every new fabric purchase as taking me away from sewing the lovely fabrics already in my stash, so I'm trying to stop buying and sew more from my collection too.

  2. Impressive collection, and it's only September! *^o^* Your stash has been reduced but what about your wardrobe space? That's what I always think when I finish another garment and try to figure out where to hang it... *^v^*

    1. I've been culling my wardrobe regularly too to fit all the new garments in, but luckily my son doesn't need the hanging space in his wardrobe - that's where my dresses are!

  3. What a great amount of super clothing! cute, all the kids clothes! And I love the bow tie hanging there on its own hanger. :)

    Hmmm...3 dresses, 1 skirt, 3 tops, 2 tanks, 2 bags, 2 pillowcases and some mending. That's my take for this year so far and I don't have a husband nor kids, just my full time job....what am I doing with all of my time? Hmmmm...

    1. couldn't leave the bow tie out, it's the cutest thing I've made I think!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Really impressive collection of handmade clothes, I envy. Greetings from Poland :)

  6. All that production and only one wadder? My hat's off to you! Will you keep up the pace for the rest of the year?

    1. I will try to keep up the pace - so many more things I want to make and so little time!

  7. So many gorgeous pieces. That's a terrific effort Kristy.

  8. Amazing! I love all the dresses you make and if I didn't procrastinate I wish I could make them too. Hope you win! You deserve it.

    1. thanks Kim - if I didn't procrastinate so much I could probably do so much more too

  9. Wow, you have been sewing up a storm. Maybe you need some flowing maxis - that would make a bigger dent in the stash.

    1. thanks Vicki - you're right, those itty bitty kid's clothes don't use up much fabric

  10. Wow. Great effort. Lots more room to put more fabric now :) So many dresses. It's funny to see the different types of sewing we do. I do mostly shirts and trousers/skirts. Hardly any dresses.

    1. thanks Rebecca - I wouldn't say there is "lots" more room to put more fabric though!

  11. Wow. An impressive collection of home made clothes. Looks amazing. A very convincing way of presenting the results of you effort. Congratulations to your major achievement.

  12. Very nice collection! Congrats on using so much of your stash!

  13. Wow, what an achievement! That is an impressive collection of sewing and stats :) you have some gorgeous new clothes to show for your efforts and two beautifully dressed happy children as well.

  14. I am so impressed. You are an inspiration!


    1. thanks Karen, I'm glad to be someone's inspiration since so many others are mine too!

  15. Kristy that is amazing! That is more than one a week! I am really impressed. I think like KC, only one wadder too. That is truly amazing.

    1. I didn't think about it being more than one a week - no wonder this year feels like it's flying by since I'm measuring it in things I've made....

  16. WOW. When you lay it all out like that, I'm amazed at your productivity. There are some fabulous makes there, absolutely :)

    1. thanks Melanie - it wasn't until I photographed them en masse that I realised how much I had sewn

  17. Oh my that is an amazing amount of work!

    1. thanks Sharon. But the million dollar question is how does it compare to your output this year because I did spy your name in the stashbusting competition too?!

    2. 11 garments and that is mainly what I made for SWAP!

  18. Isn't it weird, how stash seems to multiply when you are not looking? Pure magic, I tell you that! ;-)

    I'm very impressed by the way. You made some amazing garments!

    1. yes the stash is definitely up to some mischief - I'm sure I didn't bring all that fabric home!

  19. Stash never goes down, always up:). You have been busy - looks like a lovely selection of garments.

    1. thanks Sarah - you're right, despite all that sewing the stash doesn't seem to have gone down at all!

  20. Wow, great effort! I bet seeing the stash melt is very satisfying

    1. If only I could say that I saw the stash melt, but telling my husband how much I have used was satisfying (I didn't tell him how much was left though!)

  21. That is quite impressive! I'm excited to do my year end round up too.. The clothes all look amazing hanging on the wall like that!

    1. thanks - I think I'm going to do it more regularly too, it keeps me motivated to keep on creating

  22. Awesome job! It makes me think that I could really do with getting a bit more productive from my general habit of doing... Well I'm not quite sure to be honest! Gotta cut down on on my Pinterest addiction. Too much virtual pinning, rather than the actual thing!

  23. Wow, that's so like walking into a fabric candy store! 290m, I think my paltry 20m or so is a lot. Happy stashbusting!

  24. That's a lot of sewing Kristy. I think my stash is around 100m, but I dare not count it.

  25. 41 garments is truly astonishing. I've been stuck on just one garment (a jacket) since May. I have made a few little quickies in the meantime but the jacket is taking some thinking time.

    I have just taken 6 months break buying fabric. And patterns, and new clothes. The idea was to create clothes from the stash but that didn't happen....

    I'd like to use the excuse of family and work, but you do them too!
