
Monday 15 April 2013

Third time (un)lucky: Burda 11/2012 #112

I wanted to title this post 'third time is a charm' but I've just had one of those weeks, sewing wise where nothing goes right!  I am just so exhausted from Toby still sleeping quite badly at night combined with being cooped up in an office for three long days each week that I've barely had any energy or desire to sew which is so unlike me.

I decided to make a third version of my current favourite A-line skirt pattern, Burda 11/2012 #112 from a rich red velveteen that I pulled from the stash recently when I was cleaning up the red shelf.  I'm hoping that we will start enjoying some cooler weather around these parts - the hot summer weather has been lingering far too long for my liking.  After making a green cotton drill version and a dark denim version with no dramas I thought I'd be able to sew this quickly - but no, what a painful journey it was to get this done!

Firstly I stitched up the side seams and centre front seams before doing the welt pockets.  Little mistake number one.  No big deal, it's still doable it just means there's more fabric to wrangle with.  And because I've made this skirt twice before I didn't bother doing a practice run of the welt pocket. How arrogant of me! Mistake number two.  After sewing on the welt strips properly I then went ahead and ruined it by sloppily snipping the welt pocket open - I cut the 'y' end past the stitching line so that when I pulled the strips through there was raw fabric and no saving it.

Time to walk away from the sewing room for a while!

The following night I tried again, unpicked the skirt, cut out a new front piece and sewed a perfect welt pocket.  Yippee, things are moving again. I powered through sewing the rest of the skirt and a lining and all was going well until I pressed the lining after sewing it to the invisible zip and this happened:

Big mistake! I forgot to turn down the iron after pressing the thick velveteen and immediately burnt the lining fabric.  Huge sigh...... This time I walked away from my sewing for a few days to regroup.

But happily I managed to finish sewing the remainder of the skirt with no major dramas, and I even remembered to sew the skirt with the nap of the fabric going downwards on all the skirt panels so at least that's something!

Maybe it's the universe telling me to try a different skirt pattern - three times is possibly enough.  I do love this skirt though, it's so comfortable, functional with its pockets and a flattering shape to boot.  I've worn this skirt with the black and white striped Burda top that I made for the green cotton drill version - funnily enough it turns out that the colours that go well with green go well with red too!

Now I really want to sew a long sleeved shirt in some beautiful Liberty cotton I picked up at the first Sydney sewists meet up last year but I'm too scared I'll stuff it up so maybe I'll do something a little easy first.

Speaking of a sewists meetup, have you all seen the photos of the gorgeous dresses and marvellous time the Melbourne ladies had at their SewcieTea, organised by Melanie of seamstress:poppykettle fame? Especially the gorgeous Liberty dress that Rachel at My Messings made and wore with a crinoline. Sydney ladies - I think we all need a special occasion to frock up as well!  


  1. Well, I love it, but I'm sorry to hear about all your problems with it. Great job making it work out in the end!

  2. Funny, I know you had problems and I totally know what that is all about, but I think this is the best of the three! I love that fabric, the fit, and the T with it is perfect. Yes, do a quick and easy project and hopefully your mojo will be revived.

  3. oh my, all these mistakes are surely a sign of your fatigue! It doesn't show in the final product though!

  4. Oh, I don't know if you can ever have enough basic skirts like this! This version is fantastic, and looks great with the striped top. I love velveteen for cooler weather too, I'm sure you'll get so much use out of it!

  5. Melting lining: I did the exact same thing a few days ago. I have yet to return to the project. Not 5 minutes before I did the melting, the thread broke in my machine. I have much experience with the sewing gremlins and should have stopped then, but my jacket was almost finished and I wanted to power through. *sigh* At least your skirt turned out so beautifully in the end!

  6. Your skirt looks nice in the photos. And I love, love, love the red skirt with the black/white strip top. Get some sleep.

  7. OMG! The melting experience is awful...I really feel for you. But the skirt is is fab! Love that pattern! I think when we are more confident on a pattern we end up making mistakes...don't know why but you're not alone.

  8. I think some projects are doomed to gremlins from the start, but the result looks good from the outside.
    As for a frock up occasion for Sydney sewists...I'm so there.

  9. The skirt looks really lovely even though it gave you some moments. :) I'd love to have a Sydney event but I don't "frock". LOL

  10. sounds like motherhood tiredness to me.

  11. Fantastic skirt and you can never have too many of them. So glad it worked out in the end.
    Count me in for any Sydney event!

  12. I'd love to get dolled up for a Sydney frock event. Love a great dress up.
    I love your skirt and I hope Toby sleeps better soon.

  13. Well despite everything the skirt looks fantastic ! I have melted fabric so many times it is embarrassing - when will I ever learn ! I sewed a T shirt this year and melted the knit mesh which is on the front ! - oh well I just wear it around the house or could add a large brooch. I am sure you won`t stuff up the liberty - it is easy to sew ( not that I sew with all the time- only a couple of times in reality )

  14. This is such a beautiful skirt!Love that Pattern!It's been in my list to sew since the last one you made.

  15. Oh gosh I hate welt pockets. Nice looking skirt though. How do you manage to take nice photo's of yourself in your attire? Would be a nice break to have a Sydney meetup. I'm really over it right now and need a perk up.

  16. Kristy, this skirt pattern is seriously tempting after your 3 reviews!! It looks great on you, all of them, and despite your travails, the red skirt is gorgeous! Hope Toby settles soon, sleep deprivation is exhausting.

  17. I love your red skirt! I'm still craving one like the denim one you made. Good job recovering from the errors!

  18. Oh well, it least you didn't burn the outside. Looks great.

  19. Wow. That is a trio of sadness :( But on the plus side you rescued everything! Most impressive!
