
Monday 18 March 2013

March Burda of the Month: 3-2013-#110

Thank God it's Monday! I know, it's not usual to sing the praises of a Monday but for me Monday is a daycare day so I finally get a few hours of peace and quiet, plus my husband is finally home from his boys weekend away.  We had an unusually busy weekend too, which made it doubly hard since it was just me ferrying the kids instead of hiding out at home.  I did have a nice dinner out at the fancy schmancy Doyles at Watsons Bay on Saturday night with some friends (and the kids), which was made all the better when out of the blue a lovely lady came over to our table to say hello and that she loved reading my blog.  Hi Suzanna - it was great to meet you and my dining companions were suitably impressed at my fame!

So, my March Burda project.  Both wearable and finished in the actual month of March.  Actually I finished sewing it about 2 weeks ago now, but only sewed on the trim last week after deliberating for quite a while on what colour ribbon to go with.  In the end I was heavily influenced by the colours chosen by Burda, what can I say sometimes I'm a sheep.  Baa! I decided to make the ribbon dress, 03/2013 #110, which is only a simple a-line skirt dress with a wide scooped neck bodice but I think the ribbon detailing lifts out of the ordinary:

From deep within the stash I found a lovely fabric that I've been waiting a long time for the right fabric: a rather heavy textured cotton in a colour that is somewhere between peacock blue and teal blue.  I was planning on using some navy blue grosgrain ribbon for the trim but I could not find any in the skinny widths in several fabric stores I went to so I chose to go with a silvery-brown colour instead (officially colour is platinum) just like Burda did.

There's not much to be said about the dress itself, being just a simple fitted bodice and gently flared a-line skirt, but I like the angled darts which are a little different to the usual.  At first I wasn't going to add the ribbon trim thinking it would be more versatile just to add a belt but the dress looked a little blah without so I went with the pattern as designed.

Although, looking at these photos I think I may have sewn the ribbon on too high - it would probably look best starting beneath the bust point, not on or above it as I seem to have done.

I made a size 34 for the bodice, grading out to a size 36 for the hips and I am pleased with the fit.  I don't know if my swayback has disappeared after giving birth to Toby the giant baby (can that happen?) but I am finding that the dresses I've been making lately fit the small of my back really well without needing a sway back adjustment. 

I did have to put some darts in the back neckline though because it was gaping a little, something I would have discovered if I had made a muslin first but as usual I didn't bother.  It doesn't look too bad though, and from what I've seen a lot of vintage dress patterns have darts in that spot anyway.

The main annoyance for me came from sewing on the grosgrain ribbon - it puckered the neckline and made it jut out because it was sitting flat before I sewed it on.  But now I realise that's because I used grosgrain ribbon instead of petersham, I think petersham ribbon can be steamed into shape better and probably would sit flatter.  I might sew some bra clips into the shoulder seams though to make sure my bra straps don't slip out because the necklines is very wide, but not low cut unusually for Burda.

I still have quite a bit of this fabric left over and I'm fighting the urge to make a matching jacket.  I'm trying to break out of my matchy matchy ways and try new combinations, but I've been watching Season 5 of Mad Men and am loving the sharp 60s suits so it is tempting to make something like this:

image from here


  1. Oh I love it and might I say well done for a March dress, made and worn (way) before the end of the month! That colour is lovely on you. I'm not sure I know the difference between petersham or grosgrain ribbon so I better find out!

    1. I just know that petersham can be steamed into shape and is often used for waistband stays, but I'm assuming grosgrain is different because it didn't really stretch or change shape when I pressed it.

  2. Oh WOOWWWW i just found your blogspot and I am in heaven - finally someone who seems to revere fabric, pattern and sewing the way that I do. !!! The dress you are modelling is delightful - well done - with such a young family you are doing exceptionally well to even start let alone finish anything!! thank you for your blog - i am now going to review the older posts and it has inspired me to stop doing the mending for the family (husband plus 16 yr old and 20 yr old) and start Sewing For Me (SFM) thanks Kristy you are a gem!. xx

    1. thanks for your lovely comment, and yes you definately should SFM more than sewing for others

  3. Hi Kristy!!! So loved seeing you in person and your blue dress is gorgeous! xxx

  4. it's a great make! I really like the colour combination between the grosgrain ribbon and the fabric; I think you're right, the dress would probably have been a little boring without the trim. I bought this issue of Burda magazine in part for this dress, which I intend to make next year (post baby). I think a matching jacket would look brilliant, especially since you can be very imaginative with the ribbon too.

  5. Lovely dress on you! Great color!

  6. Your dress is beautiful. It is on my to do list. I liked a lot from the March issue of Burda so I bet get to it. Your post has got me looking for the perfect fabric for this dress. Thanks for the inspiration.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Regarding the swayback, it really depends on the cause of your swayback. With pregnancy, especially 2nd or later babies, the ligaments tend to relax more in response to the the hormones. They do retighten after birth, though it can take months. If your swayback were from a habitual cause rather than an anatomical one (eg years of skating or gymnastic training, or repetitive tasks done in poor posture) and you've corrected those habits, it entirely possible that you might see an improvement.

    (from someone who knows more about pregnancy&birth than sewing)

    1. hmmm, I don't think I do anything habitually although my posture is pretty poor sometimes! So I guess they will retighten sooner or later.... Thanks for your comment, this is really interesting

  9. Oh, this turned out so well! I buy the magazine almost every month with plans to make this or that, and then I never do. Seeing your dress makes me realize I should just get to it already!

  10. Love your dress. The color choice too...and I want your shoes! You look way better than Mad men...maybe you should start an acting career :o)

  11. The neckline is beautiful on you, and the colors are fantastic!

  12. Your dress looks fantastic! Simple and comfortable, yet stylish. The colors really are fantastic, both yours and Burda's :) I think a matching jacket would be perfect too - very Mad Men.

  13. I love your version of this dress, the dress is actually in my sewing list to be used for the Mad Men challenge! I think it would make a great Joanie dress, the blue one with white ribbon and buttons!

  14. I would definitely go for a matching jacket. You can always wear them separately, and occasionally together.

  15. I love your dress! Didn't see the potential when I saw the photo in the magazine, though... But now I think I'll have to put it on my future projects list!

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  17. Lovely dress and such a pretty color!

    I'm curious... Did the bust dart or only the ribbon extend above the bust point? Did you extend the ribbon beyond the end of the bust dart or does it just cover the dart? I ask because when I've tried to fit a dress similar to this, I've had to extend the bust dart much closer to the apex than I'd have to with a side dart. I'd like to put this pattern on my "must make" list but am not sure of getting the bust darts to fit properly.

    1. I just checked the dress - the bust dart does extend past the bust point, I sewed the ribbon starting exactly at the point of the dart. It was how the pattern was drafted, I didn't change it as it seemed to fit well

    2. Thank you for checking. I appreciate it.

  18. Yes yes! You should definitely make a matching jacket like Peggy's, with the trim too, that would look great! You could wear the jacket with other outfits, please do it! :)

  19. The dress looks fabulous. I love the colour you have chosen. so jealous of your child free days.

  20. I love that dress on you! I have made it as well, but I have horrible issues with gaping at the neckline once I sewed the trim on. Not sure what to about it - I guess I am hoping that the fabric might relax a little after wear.
    I am making a matching jacket too - I think Mad Men is the way to go! I think your dress would look fabulous with a jacket.

    Chris (who has yet to wear the dress as we still had snowfall in Germany today...)

    1. thank you for sharing - I'm glad to know it probably wasn't my sewing technique

    2. Well, it might be my sewing technique... I have now taken off the sleeves and the neckline ribbon again and am still pondering what to do...
      The jacket might be finished long before the dress ;-)

    3. Dear Kristy,
      I have now started a craft blog too ( and I wonder if I could link to your post about this dress, in "this is the way it should be done" kind of way. I am a very new blogger, so I am not really sure what the etiquette about linking is, that's why I am asking.

    4. thanks Chris for asking, of course I don't mind if you link to this post

  21. Your hips are size 36! No wonder your sway back is gone. You are tiny! Well done getting down so quickly after giving birth to that gorgeous bubba. You look amazing in that dress and I could die for those shoes.

    1. I'm not normally a size 36 in Burda patterns, this skirt just has quite a bit of ease because of the a-line shape so I didn't have to grade up too much. But thanks for the compliment anyway!

  22. You must make the matching jacket. Must.
    Great fitting dress and gorgeous colours too.

  23. Tee hee. I thought Peggy looked like Father Christmas in that suit...

  24. What a great dress--the ribbon is just the right contrast and this color is spectacular on you.

  25. Wow Kris! I really love this dress. I have had my eye on this design for a week or two now and I think this may tip me over the edge. I love the ribbon contrast - good choice!

  26. I love this pattern and am glad you reviewed as I was eyeing off some lovely brocade yesterday at a local fabric store. I am a bit worried about getting hold of some suitable Petersham ribbon as I gathered you would need something that you could use on the neckline without puckers. Your dress looks fabulous!!!

    1. you know I don't think I've seen decorative Petersham ribbon in the stores - only the wider width for waistband stays. I'll have to investigate further

    2. Hi Kristy,
      I did ask at my local fabric store and they said they would consider ordering some in as they have had a few requests. If they do I will let you know. Otherwise I think the options are ebay and the internet.

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. Love the colour and cut of this dress. I think the ribbon extending above the bust point is quite flattering and creates visual interest;it's in proportion.

  29. The dress is gorgeous on you. It would make an awesome 60's suit, and don't you need new clothes for that looming back to work thing?

  30. This is one of my favourite dresses you have sewn ! I think the ribbon looks great where it is . Great shoes as well .

  31. Lovely version! I've made one for my daughter, without the ribbon trim & I think it's going to be a favourite. I think you should definitely make a matching jacket! :)

  32. great version! love the fabric!

  33. You look great in that color! Yes! to the jacket, even if you don't wear it with the dress, you could pair it with a skirt and blouse. Interesting how a little bit of ribbon can really make a dress fantastic.

  34. This dress is fantastic and you look beautiful! I was not impressed with the dress in the magazine at all, but now I have to have it! If they want to sell the pattern, Burdastyle should replace the model pic and put yours instead!

  35. Gorgeous dress and love the detailing on it.

  36. Hey Kristy, lovely dress on you. Yes, it must be the petersham ribbon that was such a fuss to sew. I have the same thing when I use petersham for waistband facings instead of grosgrain. Say, since you have a magnificent stash if you feel the urge to sew a lovely suit, go on! Sewing is also growing. Your suit here isn't all grey so that is already an evolution. With two youngsters and a FT job I really think if you feel the urge to sew, do it; no need to wait for the 'perfect' project. It doesn't exist.

  37. Love this dress! I kind of dismissed it in the magazine as too simple and boring, but you make it look so appealing. Petersham is simply not carried in the bricks and mortar stores in my area so I don't have any in stash, either. I should probably make an online order...

  38. Great dress and it fits you perfectly! Thank you for the detailed notes and beautiful pictures, I'm thinking of making that dress too.
