
Tuesday 19 February 2013

No new UFOs

Apologies for the short blog silence here, I've been extraordinarliy busy doing boring and unblogworthy things otherwise known as ordinary everyday life.  Thankfully no more illnesses to report, and Toby seems to have settled into daycare really well so fingers crossed we go a few more months before the winter lurgies arrive.

As I said a few posts back, I don't do New Year resolutions anymore but I do set myself little rules to follow until something becomes a habit.  Doesn't always work of course, but one that has stuck is my no new UFO rule. Sure I still have a big box of UFOs that have piled up over the years, but I haven't created a new UFO for several years now.  So I wasn't about to let Anna's rainbow dress get the better of me, no matter how tedious it was to pull apart.

I was also determined not to buy any more of the fabric to make the dress bigger, so I pulled it apart completely, made the bodice narrower and interspersed two layers of contrasting fabric to increase the length.  When I finally finished all that, I resewed the invisible zipper and facing in but wouldn't you know it but as I was doing up the zipper to take a photo the zipper got caught and then split and was unfixable.  I tell you it was a good thing that both kids were in daycare that day because they would have learnt a few unsavoury phrases!  I'm sure I saw the dog raise his eyebrows though....

But it's all done now and Anna loves it and we shall never talk of this dress again.  And I will put a 'do not sew ever again' note on the Style pattern.


  1. Oh it looks really fantastic now - I think breaking up the rainbow fabric really makes it. I can see how short it would have been without those extras! I know what you mean about zips, unsavoury words and phrases and lucky you are alone when it happens (zip in office chair cover on Sunday!) But we will not be defeated and I think that speaks volumes (in words the children can hear!)

  2. It's such a pretty dress, but I would have give up at the zipper. Well done finishing this! I also want to compliment you on that last photo, it's fantastic!

  3. What a great rescue, and i think the contrast fabric makes it zing in a way the first go didnt

  4. It looks better than the original.

  5. Good for you for sticking with it! I'm sure it feels great to have a beautiful FO and to know you didn't let it beat you. And I think the bands of contrasting color look great, better than the first draft!

  6. Well done! Your daughter looks pretty n happy in it :)

  7. Great job sticking with it, you came out with an adorable dress! And I love the mixing of the fabric even more than just the original print (which I adore!).

  8. Doesn't she look so sweet with her lovely little dress on?
    Good job,

  9. Good job finishing it! It looks amazing now.

  10. It was worth all the anguish as she looks lovely in it and the colours are very pretty and suit her perfectly. I can't believe all the dramas you had with the zipper! Well done for getting it right in the end.

  11. Great save! She looks to really enjoy wearing it!

  12. I have a UFO rule too. Not intentional though. I just can't stand having UFOs. at. all.
    She's having a ball in that dress. You've done a great job with it.

  13. Wow, I really like the way you added the extra fabric. I too have a few UFO's but my rule is to 'never start anything I won't finish'. The thing is, I finish things and actually don't end up wearing them. What a waste of time. I should try harder to pick out fabric I'd end up wearing. Anyway, Anna is adorable. She's growing up very quickly.

  14. It's a fabulous dress! I love the combination of fabrics. Even better than the original! Great save!!

  15. I cannot believe you added two widths of fabric to make a knee-length dress. Good heavens! That dress was ridiculously too short. Fortunately your finished product looks quite pretty and fun. God on you for not letting it get the better of you.

  16. Dare I say it - this altered version is a bazillion times better looking, too. The colours are so gorgeous on her too :) Love it!
