
Monday 2 July 2012

And the winner is......

Thank you to all of you that left a comment on the last post - obviously there was incentive for you to comment but I really enjoyed reading your memories of your favourite garment. And now I have some new to me blogs to read too, so we're all winners.

I just loved how some of you can remember minute details of what you had made even though it might have been 20 or 30 years ago.  The colour and type of fabric, the buttons and the linings - all still vividly recalled.  I guess that's what happens when you pour yourself into the making of your clothes, you value and cherish more so than you might a store bought garment (unless you bought something fancy from Chanel!).

I also found it interesting that many of you nominated a special occcasion dress like a wedding dress or prom/formal dress as your favourite.  Isn't it funny how we spend so much time and effort on a garment that may only be worn once (and rightly so, too), but don't always give the same amount of attention to the everyday garments which are the real heroes of our wardrobe! I think Kirsty hit the nail on the head here when she said the plain zip fronted cardigan would be one of her faves based on frequency of wear.

Also touching was those of you (especially newbie sewists) that nominated your first wearable garment - I too still have those feelings of pride that something I made from scratch actually turned out good, although I can't say the first wearable thing I made is my favourite.  The first clothing item I remember making is a pair of fluorescent yellow shorts 22 years ago in high school home economic class - it was a compulsory subject and I thought I was too cool to sew my own clothes so I didn't put in much effort and nor did I wear them.  How things have changed for me now!

And the final word goes to BConky who said that she had made so many that it was hard to choose just one - very true!

Anyway enough blabbing from me, on to the winner:

which is this comment from Antonia:

I think that it is so lovely that a garment you made was well loved and well worn, it makes the effort you put into so worth it.  If only everyone valued their clothes this much we'd have much less environmental problems in the world today (and much less disposable horrid fashions too).

So Antonia please email me (Kristy_Idle "at" your address and I'll pop the mag in the mail for you.

I wanted to do a "draw a name out of the hat" process so I could post a cute photo of Anna doing the honours, but since there was too many names for me to do that I went the high tech route instead.  But here's a totally unrelated but still cute photo  of my chunky wombat at 11 weeks with his favourite facial expression - a big smile and twinkling eyes!


  1. I actually hoped Antonia would win. I loved the part about passing it to a sick little girl... And how stripe co-ordinated are you two, totally gorgeous, the wombat that is.

  2. That wombat is gorgeous! Lucky lucky you.

  3. The wombat is growing and so gorgeous!

  4. Baby wombats are the cutest indeed - this human version is gorgeous! Lovely photo of the two of you :)

  5. Oh, he's grown!

  6. Hello
    And the winner is......
    I agree with much of what's written right here and I'll be coming back to this website again.
