
Monday 30 April 2012

party central: Simplicity 2320

Thanks everyone for your tips on ruffling and gathering - I'll definitely be trying them out because Anna informed me that the latest skirts are better than the other ones I had made her and all of the new skirts I'm going to make her have to be twirly.  She told me some time ago that the simple dirndl style skirts I had been making her from large fabric scraps were "broken" because they didn't twirl enough!

So as the post title suggests, we're on the party circuit around here which requires new dresses of course.  I wish I could say we've been going to glamorous 21st, 40th or even 50th birthday parties which need a fancy dress for myself, but unfortunately it's the 3rd birthday party circuit that we've been doing the rounds of.  Almost as fun, and instead of getting a hangover we get a quiet night because Anna is usually so exhausted from partying hard that she collapses in bed into a deep snooze.

Anna has been a little naughty lately, and even though she is really good with Toby and I've tried very hard to keep her normal routine I feel she might be feeling a little left out since his arrival.  Either that or she is just being her typical 'high spirited' self and a typical 3 year old.  But she is constantly asking us if we love her, which makes me think she does need some reassurance.  So on Saturday night after she went to bed I made her a new dress to wear to a party on Sunday, and we all know how a new party can cheer you up. I absolutely loved the way her face lit up when she saw the dress on Sunday morning - she was so happy for a little minute, and then she proceeded to have a tantrum because she didn't want to eat breakfast.  Ahh kids, they're so bloody annoying and adorable at the same time!

I made Simplicity 2320 a Project Runway pattern that has a few design options, which I've made twice before and knew the sizing was ok which is how I managed to sew it quickly without any need for fittings from her.  It's quite an easy dress to make, although sewing the square yoke on the front is majorly fiddly to get in without puckering.

I made this one from a stretch denim that I bought a while ago from the Remnant Warehouse for the bargain price of $3 for a roll of 5 metres, a floral cotton poplin for the yoke and some stretch cotton lace trim picked up somewhere or other.

Samina you were so right when you observed that Anna is being a much more compliant model these days - I might get a cheesy silly grin but at least she stands still and looks at the camera now! This photo was taken after we got home from the party hence the messy hair and bare feet but the dress remained remarkably mess free.

And now it's time to sew something for myself I think.  I've packed away my maternity clothes and have given my wardrobe a massive cull and cleanout so there's quite a bit of room for some new pieces.


  1. Wow, Ana is just a lovely looking girl! The dress looks great and I can't believe you got a 5 metre roll of that denim for $3! WOW!

  2. As a mother with a nearly three-year old girl, bloody annoying and adorable more or less sums it up! Mainly adorable though.

  3. Hard part about having more than one child is that you really do have to give extra attention to the older children at the same time you are exhausted with caring for the baby. Don't have any helpful hints for dealing with this problem, except to say that there will always be enough love to go around -- you'll never run out.

  4. She was an adorable model, even when she wasn't an agreeable one! This dress looks great on her & she seems to get even cuter each time you post her pic.

  5. Beautiful dress! Hang in there! When my daughter was born, my son was 2 1/2 at the time, and though he loved his little sister sooo much, and was a great big brother, he still bit her! That said, there is certainly a transition phase that takes place with the arrival of baby #2, but you are handling it in the best way by giving Anna some extra attention and quality time together. I did the same thing with my son, and at 5 and almost 3 now, my son and daughter are the best of friends!!

  6. What a CUTE dress! Your daughter looks darling in it. I love the fabrics you chose and the shape--I'm off to look and see if I have that pattern now :)

  7. Ah, so adorable! I like how it is age appropriate but not too girly. The denim is a genius idea--it will wear like iron!

    Seriously, I cannot believe you are sewing already. You are crazy!

  8. My goodness, how she's grown. It doesn't seem that long ago when we were waiting for her to arrive. It's a great dress, I'd probably wear it if it came in my size!

  9. She looks gorgeous - it's a really cute dress. People talk about the terrible twos, but I found the troublesome threes are even more challenging :-)

  10. Gorgeous dress for Anna and brilliant find at the Remnant Warehouse.

  11. Anna must be almost ready for school. Sweet dress. Hope is well with baby blue.

  12. that is so adoroable! and like slapdash, i'm amazed at how much you are sewing and how quickly!

  13. What an adorable dress! Anna is quite the little model!

  14. Such a cute dress. And I'm super impressed by your sewing productivity with an infant. My baby is six months old and all I've managed to sew is a stack of napkins!

  15. Kristy, Anna looks soo grown up... love that she is up on her toes like that! Oh, and that the "other skirts" are broken! Mom, you better fix that! LoL... no more broken skirts! LoL...
    How are you 4 doing? Hopefully you are getting some rest!
    I can bet that Anna is thriving with all the sewing your doing for her!
    Isn't it nice to have her old enough to a bit of a helper? I mean you can probably get her to go grab stuff (once in a while; I am realistic at least!) and even go take a peek at your little guy to see if he is awake!
    Hope all is well... rest when you can!
    Hugs, Jean

  16. Good content and beautiful dress. i like it. I also want to share with you latest online party wear dress materials 2012 from G3 fashions surat.
