
Sunday 4 March 2012

wadder recovery session

Things have been very quiet around here, sewing wise.  Not life wise though, I've had quite a few minor calamities these past two weeks.  I'm now 36 weeks pregnant, so I'm having the normal aches and pains and complaints that you would expect when this far gone.  But then a few days ago I slipped on the wet marble floor in the foyer of my office building, doing a gold medal worthy splits manoeuvre and landing on my knees, which are now bruised, swollen and sore and I've overstretched quite a few muscles as you can imagine.  I felt like quite the clumsy pregnant woman until I heard that someone else had also slipped in the foyer and broken a leg, so thankfully I wasn't that injured.  Now I have more reason to laze on the lounge, and even Anna is being quite helpful in fetching things when asked (too bad she doesn't yet grasp the concept of rubbing mummy's feet!).

And a few days before that I had a mild case of food poisoning which saw me spend a good 24 hours travelling between my bedroom and the bathroom (no further details required!).  And the week before that I went in for a routine skin cancer check and the specialist decided to take a biopsy of a mole that looked inflamed on my back, and then halfway through merrily announced that he "may as well" take the whole lot out.  I tried to tell him it was just a bit red because of the super dooper maternity bras I'm wearing these days, but I guess it's better to be safe than sorry.  The results came back with no concerns, except that I'm left with some stitches in my back which is less than comfortable.

Plus our dog has spent the a few days this week at the vets having his corneas transplanted to address some eye issues he was having (yes I am serious), which cost us about $4k and we now have to put drops and cream in his eyes as well as getting 6 tablets a day down his mouth.  And the poor thing looks so embarrassed because he's sporting a big plastic cone on his head!

So enough whinging and whining from me.  Looking on the bright side I only have 3 more days of work to go, and I'll get to meet my new baby in four (or so) weeks and find out the answer to the million dollar question: boy or girl?

I have been busy doing some virtual sewing though, planning an awesome winter wardrobe that is however conditional upon my waistline returning! Lots of colour, smart casual separates and best of all most of it from the stash.  However based on my previous experience the more I plan the less I sew to that plan, so we shall see.

Finally getting to the point of this post: the best way to recover from a wadder is to sew something simple that you know you'll have success - it boosts the self esteems and gives you back your sewing mojo.  So I decided to make some simple sleep shorts for myself, because even though we are having a total non summer (one of the wettest on record) and we've now moved into autumn, my pregnant body furnace is turned way up so these will come in very handy. 

I used some vintage sheets from the stash, some cotton lace from the stash and recycled a very stretchy knit t-shirt for the waistband and came up with these (3 pairs are already in the wash, but you get the idea):

About two hours of sewing, a small dent to the stash (ok so minuscule not even noticeable) and I have 5 pairs of very big girl bloomers to laze around in for the next few weeks.

So now that I've recovered I really must get on with some sewing, I plan to make some newborn sized cloth nappies, replace the elastic in the cloth nappies I made for Anna, sew a change pad cover and make a few cozy cardigans and jackets for Anna and the baby.  This baby had better not come early!  Latest belly shot is looking quite round, but I'm not sure if it's dropped enough to say that it is imminent:


  1. Glad you did not hurt yourself more. It must have been scary though.
    I hope you can rest before this baby arrives.

  2. Oh, I am so sorry to hear that you've had so many issues to work through the past few weeks. It stinks that they all piled up like that when you're so far along in pregnancy :( I am glad you are okay and will be praying that the remainder of your pregnancy is peaceful.
    Those shorts are really cute and I love that you added knit to the waistband. I have been thinking I should make myself some cuter nightclothes instead of oversized t-shirts and gym shorts or flannel pants, but I still want to be comfy. Your simple project has inspired me!

  3. Oh dear, and here I was thinking I was having a rough deal. I have been off work since mid february, so no risk of me falling at work there. On the otherhand, I have SPD, which is not cool. I turn 36 weeks on tuesday, and then i will have 3 weeks left as I am getting induced at 39 weeks. I'm currently crocheting a blanket, and I also plan on making a cardigan. your bump looks so cute lol.

  4. I'm sorry everything seems crappy this week. :( One thing that might help is a better maternity bra to not irritate your back? I hear good things about Hot Milk, which you can get at a decent price on Brastop:

    I hope you feel better!

  5. What a bad run! Rest up and hopefully the next 4 weeks will fly by.

  6. Hi Kristy, you look radiant. I have a half dozen mole biopsies done on my back (all OK) and they are uncomfy to recover from, sorry about that. Lovely sleep shorts.

    I made the free nappy pattern Rita's Rump Pocket (I think the printout increase size is 115%) and it fit both my 4kg newborn and 12kg DD at the same time(!). Six months later it still fits both of them(!) although fortunately DD just wears nappies now when sleeping. It was the best pre-baby project I've made so far. Like others I stuff the pocket with microfibre cloths that dry cars quickly. The whole thing dries within hours. Ours have elastic in the back (to conform better) where the pocket opening was marked, I just put the pocket opening in front. Then I made mama cloth from the pieces left over, and they worked fine for lochia.

  7. Wow - you've had a doozy of a time, hopefully the next few weeks will run a lot smoother. Sleep shorts are a great way to recover from a wadder, nice idea to use the knit fabric for the waistband, it must be a lot more comfortable than an elastic one.

  8. You poor thing. I'm a week ahead of you and it is uncomfortable enough being this pregnant without all of those as well. You look great by the way; cute shorts too.

  9. Hope that everything will be better from now on! Wish you to have a good rest before the baby arrives!

  10. What a beautiful belly you've got :-) Wishing you better luck for the coming weeks health wise.
    Barbara (with stitches from 7 moles taken of them cancerous, i think my five years in qld are starting to show results, thank good for good dermatologists)

  11. Yikes, what a time you have had. I am sure when you finish work, things will get a lot more peaceful. The sleep shorts are great - well done for being able to do those during all your dramas.

  12. OMG that is quite a baby bump! Good luck with everything.

  13. I hope you're OK! Good luck with your bruised knees and such. Maybe icing them will help (or is it too late for that)?

  14. That is a truly impressive belly. So sorry to hear about your run of bad luck! That seems like enough for a while, so fingers crossed for you.

  15. Aw Kristy! So sorry to hear about the fall, those things are really scary. I hope your knees and stretched muscles heal soon. Sending healing energy to you and your dog too.
    Hope you're having a great day!!
