
Monday 26 March 2012

Burda of the Month: 1/2012 #113

First I want to say up front: I'm still pregnant.  Official due date is only 4 days away, but with no signs, twinges, niggles or feelings at all I doubt it's gonna happen soon.  Family and friends, I promise you I will let you know when it happens - there is NO NEED to phone or text me everyday asking about it!!!!  Here is today's belly shot, see the baby is still in there:

Ok, so now that is cleared up I can happily move on to all things sewing related.  With Anna off at daycare three days a week I've managed to get a heap of sewing done lately, I just need to catch up with photos and blog posts.  Good thing I'll probably have another week or two to do just that.....

I have finished my second garment in my Burda lite challenge.  This one is from the January issue, a quite plain looking top which was the pick of rather lame offerings in this issue:

What I didn't notice until I had traced the pattern and tried to decipher the instructions is that the sleeves are cut in two pieces, with a zipper along the upper edge from the neckline on the left side.  That makes this garment a little more interesting, but since I didn't have any suitable zippers in the stash and wanting to get this finished I decided to leave them off and sew up the seams instead.  Don't worry, I checked whether my head would still get through before doing this (it does, phew!).  My fabric didn't have a huge difference in texture or colour on the wrong side, so I didn't do the reversed sleeve fabric either.

I made mine from some fuchsia duchess satin (you know, the heavy weight stuff) that I had in the stash leftover from when I made this fabric belt.  I don't know why I bought so much of the fabric at the time, but I thought this project would be a good use for it.

For the back I briefly thought about putting an exposed metal zip with black zipper tape down the centre back for a bit of interest, but I wasn't sure if that fad has passed or is about to so I just used an invisible zip instead.  The pattern is supposed to have a zip down the left side seam, but since there is centre back seam anyway I chose the easier option and put the zip in down the centre back, with a black button at the top instead of an internal hook and eye.

Obviously this isn't going to fit me for quite some time, but when I do get my waistline back and have somewhere to wear it, this is how I'd style it:

a very high waisted black pencil skirt because this top is quite cropped and a glimpse of flesh around the midriff would not be a good look (image source).

a statement necklace, possibly in black to coordinate, plus I already own a chunky black bead necklace (image source).

and a fierce pair of black pumps which sadly I do not own (image source).

So that's two finished garments from two magazines and I'm on track with my challenge! The March issue still hasn't arrived yet but thanks to a tip off from Renata who emailed me with the newsflash that you can subscribe directly from the BurdaStyle website which is not only cheaper but also more timely than the company I'm subscribed through currently.  I'll be changing my subscription in 3 months when it expires - how did I never notice the subscription button during all the visits I've made to BurdaStyle?


  1. Very cute top and some serious styling that will look fantastic. I also subscribe direct from Burda that is probably why March is with me already.

  2. Good luck with your second baby - such an exciting time . It is really lovely seeing how different your children are and when they start to play /interact with one another. I really hope your second baby will be a better sleeper though ! Thanks for the info about the burda subscriptions - I really need to style up my wardrobe - it is humdrum.

  3. Good luck filling up the hours until #2 makes his/her presence known. Love the top. Such a pretty color.

  4. You're looking great! Love the style you chose...and those pumps...if only they would line them with gel so they wouldn't ache!

  5. My grandaunt swore up and down that the best way to get labor pains started was to jump off a wagon tongue. I managed to hold my tongue and not tell her that we tend to drive automobiles now, not horse-drawn wagons. Feel free to try this trick, if you'd like! (She also believed that the best way to induce miscarriage was to hold onto a willow branch and jump up and down. Her five children thanked God that this did not work for her, or some of them might never have been born.)

  6. You look great! THe top is so cute on you.

  7. Hi Kristy...
    The top is a great color! I wondered if it had a zip on the sleeve top... what with the drawing of the top and the little tiny tab there... I like your version... a zip at the sleeve leaves me wondering a bit what they were thinking? It will go great with the skirt. Will you be making that too? Need I ask?
    Looking like you need a tummy support. Hang in there, hopefully not much longer! Just long enough to get some more sewing done.. hmmmm?

  8. PREGNANT!!! NOooooo! I thought you were smuggling beach balls?!

    Seriously when my second was due we had a pub, he was 2WEEKS LATE! And I literally couldn't go downstairs to make a cup of coffee without some bright spark asking me if I'd had the baby yet...I was the size of a large house..with annex..and garage?! But apparently my fecund state escaped them?
    (S)he will arrive when good and ready..enjoy the relative peace, and I wish you an uneventful and pain free delivery.
    Tom is 23 now and still always late!

  9. Cute top and nice (future) styling.

  10. You look like you need to have that baby soon! Best wishes to both of you. Oh, and to dad, too!

  11. You look like you are going to topple over any minute, so hurry up and have your baby so you can wear that gorgeous pink top, and maybe not so soon, that skinny looking skirt.

    I thought I had better show myself, on account of you won't let me stay private, to let you know that I just received April Burda. See what you're missing, or not.

    Good luck with your delivery when it comes and I think we are all looking forward to your announcement.

  12. You look so well Kristy.

  13. All the best for the birth!

  14. My fourth bub made me wait one day just before his due date. I had this annoying bil who called everyday asking if I had the baby yet. I had to post on facebook for people to stop asking! I hope you have an easy labour. Wishing you all the best.

  15. Go out and have a curry! All the best with birth and have a great time when you finally wear that lovely fushia top.

  16. That is a seriously impressive belly. Love the top--you are so organized to already be sewing for later!

  17. Good luck on the baby thing. My sister was 2 weeks overdue with her first. Regarding the top: I really like it and I think that you will be glad you skipped the exposed zipper. People will get tired of this soon and it will really date otherwise great garments. Besides, they are not really attractive.

  18. You look totally fabulous and I hope the baby's arrival is a joyous and straightforward (and quick!) process. Love the pink top, lovely choice of fabric for the pattern.

  19. WOW THAT WENT QUICKLY (for me) but I hope you get to meet your baby any day now! Maybe an April Fool? xoxoxo
