
Tuesday 14 February 2012

Valentine's Day shenanigans

This is the card I wanted to buy for my husband for Valentine's Day.  Only $2.95 at Typo.  Sadly however the Sydney city store had sold out - I guess there are a lot of people who share my bah humbug attitude! But then Anna came home from daycare with two yummy cupcakes that the kids had made and decorated that day and I *cough* accidentally ate both of them before her dad came home, I had a change of heart and we baked him a cake:

Sadly for him (but good for me) he's on a diet, since he never really lost his baby weight from the first time around.  And even luckier for me is that in this pregnancy I've gained much less weight this time around, in fact I'm at the lower end of the recommended weight gain range so I feel free to indulge a little! Here's my latest belly bump photo, at 33 weeks:

So this post is turning out a little pointless isn't it? Despite hitting third trimester fatigue, I have been doing a little bit of sewing - I manage to churn out a wadder that I'm still contemplating fixing, did a little bit of alteration to a dress and sewed some curtains.  Actually it was probably sewing the curtains that has drained my enthusiasm - sure they are simple rectangles with only long straight seams to sew, but wrangling with all that fabric and all the measuring required is so tiresome!

Hopefully I'll come back next post with a little more energy - perhaps a sugar hit is all I need!


  1. Funny how things like that disappear... I can remember things like that happening.. yet, I didn't have anywhere near your sort of excuse.LoL!
    DH hasn't lost his last baby weight... too funny! And does he get any sympathy from the dr.? Or are they just not putting him on the scale? LoL...
    You are carrying pretty low there kiddo... I'm wondering if it's different from last time... could this one maybe be a boy? Time will tell.
    Good to see your keeping busy. Wadder or not sewing is sewing.... enjoy it while you may! Ahem, if you remember... last time around you guys were still working on a new/remodel/build. And were in the middle when the Anna came. Bet your glad that isn't the case this time around! Hugs to Anna and all of you this Valentines Day!

  2. You are looking fantastic. Saw a great maternity shoot the other day. Mumma with a sign to belly saying " baby" , one to dad saying " beer" . Love it!

  3. You and Anna are looking very pleased with yourselves! We did nothing around here for valentines day - not even a pretty cake :(

  4. You are looking really well Kristy despite sewing curtains! Blah!
    I can't believe it is 33 weeks already! How time flies. Hope you stay really well and able to eat cupcakes!

  5. We don't celebrate Valentines but my daughter made me a card. I dislike the third trimester except for the fact that I chose to eat anything and everything. It drags on but in the end you'll be baby gazing! Hope it treats you well.
