
Friday 27 January 2012

Another Burda potato sack made good: 3/2009 #113

Trena (aka The Slapdash Sewist) was absolutely correct in saying that I've made the most of the boxy styles that Burda has been dishing up for the last few years - I've made yet another maternity dress from a normal sized Burda pattern with the merest of tweaks to make it cover the basketball I'm carrying around at the moment.  I used pattern 113 from issue 3 of 2009, which looks like this:

And all I did was raise the waistline seam a few inches to instead become an empire seam above the bump, added a little extra width across the front and dipped the hem at the front so that it sat relatively straight, and in no time this is what I came up with:

I used a white and navy blue stripe knit from the stash for the bodice and some navy jersey bought from Spotlight for the skirt.  I sewed this mostly on my overlocker, and just used a twin stitch for finishing the hem and other edges.

I've gotten a lot of wear out of this one so far as it is really comfy whilst still having good coverage.  The pattern is quite deceptive because I didn't extend the sleeves at all, yet they did turn out a lot longer than I thought they would from the pattern line drawing.  But a bit of shoulder and upper flabby arm coverage is good for me at the moment!

Although this was an extremely easy pattern to make, I did have trouble with the neck facings.  I don't know if I traced these wrong or what I did incorrectly, but for some reason the back neck facing was way too wide but the front neck facing was too short so that it wouldn't sit flat.  So in my usual meticulous and highly professional sewing manner *cough cough* I fixed it by cutting a slit in the front facing at the button of the 'v', folding a pleat in the back facing and holding the facing down all the way around with iron on double sided interfacing!

So far it's holding up well, and I only have another 9 weeks of wear anyway....  Speaking of which, that basketball I alluded to? Check this out:

Eeek! This baby belly is so round and so out there this time around.  I seriously had 5 different people at work this week ask me if I was about to start my leave soon and then nearly choke in surprise when I said I'd be working for another 6 weeks! But I saw the obstetrician this week who assured me I am measuring normally and the baby's head is down and not in some weird position.  But the baby hasn't dropped too much, it still sits above Anna's head with a little help of some heels (yes yes I'm still wearing them):

In the comments to the last post Jean asked if I would be induced this time around too.  I'm hoping with all my fingers crossed that this labour starts and progresses naturally (not too long after the due date either!) because I've heard that induced labours are more painful and I could do with a little less pain.  Plus we missed out on the excitement of the dramatic movie style waters breaking, and the mad dash to the hospital so if it happens naturally it'll be like a first time experience (well that bit anyway, the rest I remember with vivid clarity).

I've just found out that my sister in law is going to be having her second son a few months after I'm due, which is exciting for them and good for Anna because now she'll have two male cousins to torment! But as for me I still have absolutely no idea what I'm having - this one is moving around a lot more than I recall Anna doing, plus I am more tired, a different shape and had much worse morning sickness but I'm also running around after 3 year old plus working part time, am nearly 35 now and having been trying to maintain a better diet this time around so I don't think anything there's anything meaningful in those differences.  I'll have to wait and see, just like nature intended!


  1. I see what you mean by the sleeves .. they are deceptively short on the line drawing. That dress looks really comfy and I really love the red one with the belt .. that looks great. That is also a really nice photo.

  2. Nice dress! I actually liked the inside picture which gave me an idea of putting on the facings inside out... I also have not use for the boxy styles, but Burda's getting better isn't it? By the time the baby is here you'll have lots of choice. I love the picture of Anna and you, just adorable!

  3. Good luck with everything ahead of you! I have not heard many good induction stories, so I'll hope for a natural start for you this time. My water was always the last thing to break---which is nice in some ways but yeah, no movie-esque "OMG" moment, just the dawning awareness that this is actually. happening.

    Best wishes! :)

  4. So cute! I admire all of your sewing you are doing while pregnant! I wish I had had your motivation! You look great!

  5. People make such terrible comments to pregnant women. You look lovely! Just right for having six weeks to go. The striped top with the collar going opposite the shirt, very clever.

  6. So basically.... that bump is mostly baby bumm! If the head is down... that's what I would figure anyway! You look great! How is Anna dealing? Has she figured this all out yet? Excited for you..
    and just so you know... of 4 kids I only had 1 dramatic water break! Yep... we were in labor at the hospital... baby #2... nurse just left the labor room after asking DH to put on gown/slippers so he could go into the delivery with me... his back was turned and he heard a loud pop: kinda like a water balloon hitting the floor, he turned around and asked me what that was? I told him to go get the nurse... my water had broken! It was soo loud too... guess there was a lot of pressure building up! LoL... too funny! The rest... little seepage here and there.

  7. Cute dress! I love that picture of you and Anna - you're looking at her so adoringly.

  8. The picture of you and Anna is gorgeous, you look stunning, and beautiful in the red. Anna looks adorable and the picture of you 2 (3?) together is so cute. Thank you for sharing this with us, and for continuing to find time to sew AND blog despite your hectic schedule. Best wishes and good health over the coming weeks xxx

  9. That is a great dress. Looks extremely comfy. I'm sure you will get your natural labour. My boy made me wait right up to the day before my due date and I had to work to push him out unlike his siblings. That's what you get with a 4kg baby I guess. You're looking fabulous as usual.

  10. You look fantastic. I have 8 weeks to go and wish I could be making clothes for myself but have been busily sewing nappies as this is my first. Have to say I'm a little bit over making these little things that are just going to be pooed in! Can't wait to get back into making pretty things!

  11. hmm not sure that induced labour is less painful comment!! i think labour is pretty painful induced or not... i thought i was gonna die each and every time... but didn't! you'll be fine...

  12. I have 2 girls and both pregnancies were totally different, so you just never know. The first one, my water broke at home and the second one, I carried so low that my water broke but every time I stood up it was like a cork and everything stopped. Despite the fact that I'm only 5'1", I never looked big pregnant because it all went to my butt and boobs. I was a good 7 months pregnant before my belly outgrew my boobs!

    I've traced that pattern and keep meaning to make it because it looks so comfy but have yet to do it.

  13. I love the red dress photo - so sweet. I have two girls and there was a significant difference between my first at 34 and my second at 38 with an active pre-schooler. I was so tired and showed a lot more. In my first pregnancy I went for a job interview at 7 months pregnant, didn't say anything and they didn't notice.

  14. The last photo of you and Anna is just precious!! You look beautiful, and Anna is such a cutie! I love your variations on the Burda patterns too.

  15. You look really beautiful in the picture with Anna! You're a gorgeous mommy :)

  16. What a beautiful picture with Anna!
    My own baby kicks and moves around SO MUCH - even at 36 weeks! And she's still sitting high, so I'm with you - I don't think gender has much to do with it (contrary to what so many people have been telling me. Oh dear).

    Pregnancy in France now officially lasts for 41 weeks - they did this so that women didn't get overly frustrated/stressed out when they got past the 40 weeks "due date". (Of course this also means they'll induce you 1 week past the due date, not 2! Before I knew that I was so surprised to read about women in other countries going 2 weeks past their due date.) If your baby doesn't come by week 40, you could just try and imagine you're "en France" and your due date isn't for another week anyway.

  17. This is such a great picture with you and Anna!I love how you look at her and she is under your belly.
    Do you have any plans to sew for the new baby? Or you have enough clothes left after Anna?

  18. oh those heels are doing my head in... so many things i'd like to ask, but i think i'll just stick with, why?

  19. What a great pattern for pregnancy! Love the color combo you chose for it. I think it is so neat you are waiting to find out what you are having until the actual day of arrival. Lovely picture of you and Anna too.

  20. Perfect maternity dress! I like your fabric combo. And you are a warrior for wearing heels while pregnant. I won't wear them and I'm not even pregnant.

  21. I wore heels until I couldn't stuff my feet into them anymore when I was pg. It made me feel pretty. You look beautiful and I love the photo with Anna. She's getting so big.

  22. You look beautiful in that red dress! I had my waters break naturally with my first (natural) labour; asked for them to be broken at 8cm with the next (natural at 42 weeks) labour; then had induction for the third for baby's sake, 40 minute labour. And ditto induction with the last for her sake, 17 minute labour. I'd choose induction any day:) the pain is no different IMO. I never had any pain relief with any of them, went home 4 hours later with each one. Each baby and pregnancy IMO, is different. Enjoy the ride and good luck!
