
Tuesday 30 August 2011

getting back into the swing of things

Thank you all for the condolences and empathy regarding the situation with my uncle, I cannot believe how common it is for petty family squabbles at times like these. 

With all that has been going on I lost my sewing mojo for a little while there, and before I knew it almost a week had passed and I hadn't even stepped foot into my sewing room.  Plus we've been having confusing weather lately - some really warm days followed up by some cool days, so I've been at a loss of what to sew next.

But with a little one that is growing so fast, there is always something to sew.  The extra long pants I made for her at the beginning of the year are already becoming a bit Steve Urkel in length! Remember Steve Urkel when he looked like this?:

Well he's now all grown up and looks like this:

I'm starting to feel very old now that kids from tv shows that I watched when I was kid are all adults now - even Winnie from the Wonder Years and Punky Brewster have kids of their own!

Anyway, getting back on topic, I made these cargo pants from the Spring 1/2011 Ottobre magazine:

I made these from a very bright piece of purple gabardine that had been sitting in my stash for a while that I couldn't quite picture using for anything else, but it turns out it's a perfect colour for a little girl.

Ordinarily I find sewing little people clothes quite easy and straightforward because there's not really the complex fitting issues and they aren't usually fiddly because kids don't particularly like fiddly clothes.  Well not these cargo pants, between the endless amount of topstitching, the front pockets, the leg pockets, the rear pockets, the ties on the leg pockets, the zipper and flyshield it all took ages.  But they look cute, I got some lovely comments on them from several people and she who now decides her own outfits was excited and agreed to wear them straight away, so they are a winner!

And they proved perfect for a day of bouncing on a jumping castle at a local school fete on the weekend:

And to keep the enthusiasm going I've already started my next project - a mesh sequined jacket to wear to a birthday party for my husband we're having this Saturday night at a local restaurant.  Lucky me I have tomorrow off work but Anna is off to school (happy happy days) so I can finish off the jacket, get a haircut, and bake a birthday cake - he turns 40 tomorrow so I should make something special and big enough to hold 40 candles!


  1. Those pants are the cutest ever. So glad that you are back in the sewing room....great creative therapy. Hope you have a delightful birthday celebration.

  2. That is the CUTEST thing you've sewn for Anna yet! It shows that a lot of work went into them, with all of that detailing. Love all the pockets and the bows. Even after she grows out of them, you should hold onto these pants forever and ever!
    Hope you have a super fun weekend!

  3. Those pants are adorable! I hope you have a great time celebrating a milestone for your Hubby!

  4. Great pants and Anna is just gorgeous! My Myra was looking over my shoulder and has demanded purple pants for herself, which is really saying something, since she absolutely refuses to wear pants of any kind generally.
    Have a wonderful birthday celebration with your dh!

  5. This is coming way late, but I am so sorry about the loss and the drama you've have to go through.

    Your little girl is adorable and her pants are fab!

  6. I really like these pants!! Isn't Ottobre great? Better yet, isn't it great to have a break that allows you to get things done? Enjoy your hubby's birthday!

  7. Those pants are amazing - so much work for kids clothing! But they look devine and it's so great your daughter loves them.

  8. Love the purple pants, they are gorgeous and all the details are perfect.

  9. Very cute little pants! And they've been "kid" tested!!!

  10. Sometimes fiddlie is what makes them soo cute! You hit the nail on the head! She sure is growing up!

  11. Yes you're right, this color is perfect for those pants! Is this cotton or cotton/lycra or something else? Anyway, LOVE Ottobre magazine and looks like many people have really successful garments made from it!
    I just browsed German Burda site and wanted to share/warn you with what Burda did for the october issue. It is scandalous!

  12. I'm delurking after spending the last few weeks reading your blog from the beginning (don't tell my boss!) and I'm very glad you got your sewing mojo back after all the drama. Also love the purple pants, I really want to make them for my two-year old niece now!

  13. Adorable! I might even wear pants if they looked like that.

  14. So cute. Also you may be interested in a too good to be missed fabric sale at Bewitched Fabrics 359 Parramatta Road Leichhardt. Everything 50% off (old shop only - they are moving a few doors down). I spent $189 on jerseys, Italian shirting and linen. They have fabulous Chanel boucles from $75 a metre, but I passed them up with an eye on summer.

  15. Anna really is growing up fast! Seems like she just arrived...these are great pants!

  16. So, true confessions. I loved Punky Brewster so much my parents still call me Punky. Second, when Eurkel grew up he had a short lived TV show here. I thought he was so hot, I had to double check and make sure it was still him. I also remember the point when I started to be older than the models in my magazine. Sigh. Where does the time go?

