
Thursday 11 August 2011

Burda1/2011, skirt 113 done

Sorry for the recent blog silence, we had to take an unexpected trip interstate to visit my husband's parents as my father in law has sadly been diagnosed with esophageal cancer.  Even though it's a quite small growth because it was discovered early, esophageal cancer is an aggressive cancer and he's been told that he has about three years even with radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

And on top of the trip I've had my own very minor but annoying ailments to contend with: tonsillitis again, a severe migraine and now a stuffy head cold.  Bring on spring I say! So I'm sure you can all understand why I've had nothing to report around here, not that I expect you all to be waiting on tenterhooks for wise words - I know I'm not that interesting.

But I did manage to finish sewing the hem on my recent project: Burda 1/2011, skirt 113:

I even made mine from some glenplaid wool just like the magazine photo, which of course led to frustrations in pattern matching.  Here's my finished product:

I think it looks ok, although I think the waistband yoke is either too wide or I should have made it a bit smaller so it sits higher on my waistline because it looks a little off to me.  And looking at these photos it seems the hem may not be straight either because it looks to be sitting higher at the back than the front, although that could be my dodgy posture though.

The pattern was super easy and would have been quick to sew if I didn't make it from a plaid fabric.  The skirt is excessively long though - there are two versions in the magazine, a long (calf length) and a shorter one (knee length), but I found that I had to lop almost 15cm off the length to get it sit anywhere near my knee.  Which of course meant I had to take out the godet and resew it in higher up the back centre seam.  I also put in a centre back zip instead of a side zip just because I find side zips tend to ripple over my lumpy hips and thighs so I like to avoid that!

Pattern matching on the side was a success:

and successful on the front too, but I should have lined up the apex of the yoke with a stripe instead of having it off centre - I should have paid more attention when cutting out the front skirt on the fold.

Pattern matching on the back was a mixed result - vertically pretty good but horizontally it is way off.  But as many of you have pointed out before no one should be staring at my butt enough to notice that anyway!

I'm pleased to have finished this project, but it certainly doesn't hold the same excitement for me as a newly finished dress I have to say.  Next up I'm working on some pants for Anna since she just won't stop growing taller, and I'm pretreating some wool fabric for a jacket for myself which is the least exciting part of a project but must be done to save tears later right?


  1. That looks lovely! I love the subtle blue!

  2. Love your skirt! Wonderful job on matching the plaid!

  3. I'm sorry to hear about your FIL. I love plaid! I need to work on more skirts.

  4. I am truly sorry about the news re: your FIL. I do love the skirt!

  5. What a bummer about your FIL. Love the skirt! I was thinking about making the shorter one without the godet but now will have to go with the longer version. It has just the right amount of simplicity and detail with that lovely shaped yoke.

  6. Sad news, but thinking positive thoughts for your family xoxo

    You've done great matching with the fabric, and I'd agree, it's probably a little low as you're quite skinny and I'd actually place it a bit higher next time (if at all possible!) so therefore a bit smaller in the waist, maybe? xoxo

  7. Oh this is so timely - I've been eyeing up that pattern recently and thinking about making it! So great to see if made up. I think it looks really great on you, a perfect office skirt.

  8. I just began to follow your blog I am sorry to hear about your fil. And you are interesting thank you for posting about your skirt it looks so nice I like all the things you have made and it gives me the drive to carry on with my own sewing.

  9. My prayers go out to your FIL... and the rest of the family having to deal with all this.

    The skirt as so often is the case when you sew.... is great! So many of the skirt patterns leave a person guessing as to where they will sit on or around the general area of the waist... thus making it hard to know exactly where to measure from to figure out the hem.
    Ohhhh the challenges of life! Isn't there a song in there somewhere? I do like the plaid though... good job with the matching... yes, just tell hubby if he see's anyone looking that closely at your hinny he has your permission to take care of them!!! LoL... They had better be carrying a pattern or sewing book hmmmm? (to prove that they are only interested in the sewing of plaids right!)

  10. Wonderful skirt and so sorry to hear about your fil

  11. Horrible news about your father-in-law, my best wishes to your husband and all your family.

    The skirt is super! Simple, but in the chic, elegant and classy sense of the word (as is always the case with your sewing... :)

  12. What a beautiful skirt and with the stripe being a tiny smidgen off-center? If someone's looking that close, they are severely impedeing on your personally space and should be whacked on the head! :)

  13. Another beautiful outfit, I love the blue and grey together. So sorry to hear about your FIL. People often seem to outlive the doctors time lines, hopefully he has a stubborn streak. Glad your feeling better.

  14. Sorry to hear about your father in law. The skirt looks more than ok - its great.

  15. I'm very sorry to hear about your DFIL's health. This spring while I was 7mos pg my DH was awaiting news of whether he had a benign or cancerous (1 year) tumour, it was awful. His was benign but the very thought of cancer was almost unbearable. Send my best to your DMIL. Your in-laws must be trying to cope with the helplessness.

    It is a lovely skirt, and I had not even noticed it. The tiny rear godet looks is very flattering from the side, like how bootcuts flatter the hips. Only in the close-up did I see the subtle blue, it's quite fetching with your top and your eyes. Nice!

  16. Gorgeous skirt! Can you sit down in this? I made the slightly longer version and whilst it looks good on and makes me feel elegant, it doesn't work as a work skirt. I complicate things because I use a kneeling chair, making it hard to sit down. I think I need to make a version this length because you look lovely in it.

  17. I am sorry about the sad news. Praying for your family...That is a very nice skirt. The shape is lovely, and it looks fabulous on you. I just purchased a similar fabric that I plan to make a skirt with. I have the same problem with side zips. I was blessed with far too ample hips.

  18. Sorry to hear about your FIL!It will be a tough few years for you all. I am sure spring is on its way and you will feel better. Nice skirt too!

  19. My thoughts go to your family and hope your fil will be blessed with great strength in this tough time.
    Great skirt, I always have to shorten burda patterns: they are made for women 10 cm taller than me!

  20. Great skirt! Why are dresses more fun to do?

  21. So sorry to hear the sad news...My family is sending your FIL our prayers.

    also your skirt is very cute..


  22. So sorry to hear about your father in law. That sounds quite devastating for all involved.

    What a great job on the plaid matching! How I loathe plaid matching. The skirt is very flattering on you.

  23. Hi Kristy- Love your blog! I just discovered you through Sew Tessuti, and am thoroughly enjoying reading back through your posts.
    I've recently returned to sewing after a long break, and you're really inspiring me!
    Would you mind me asking what method you use to trace your patterns from Burda magazine;what sort of tracing paper etc?
    Many thanks- keep up the good work!
