
Monday 17 January 2011

starting the year off right

I've had such a slow start to my sewing year so far - here we are in the third week of January already and I haven't even finished a single garment yet. Well actually, I did finish one dress but I wasn't happy with how it turned out so I've taken it apart and am currently reworking it.

But I have started the year off on the right foot. I gave my sewing room an almighty clean up - putting away the remnants of last year's projects, packing away loose pattern pieces that were laying around, giving everything a good dust and vacuum and tidying up my fabric shelves. In fact my sewing room is so clean, I almost don't want to use it for fear of messing it up!

I didn't make any sewing resolutions or goals this year, in fact I think this year I will just sew on a whim: whatever takes my fancy is where I shall go. I may as well do it this way, since I'm absolutely hopeless at sewing with a plan and there's no real hole in my wardrobe that I need to fill.

I will continue on with the one intention that I made last year and was actually successful with - no new UFOs. Yes, that's right, I either finished all of the projects I started or I remade them into something else for Anna if they didn't work out. Of course I haven't finished all of the UFOs that still reside in my big box of UFOs either, but not adding to the pile is something at least. Which is where the dress I'm currently taking apart comes in - I was tempted to put it down and move on since it's supposed to be a simple summer dress that is in fact turning into a fiddly nightmare, but I'm determined to finish it and wear it. So stay tuned!

And because I don't like to post without a photo, here's a photo of the unflattering pleated navy blue polka dot skirt I made from Burda 10-2008 pattern 103 , reworked by evenly gathering the fabric around the wide waistband:

Much better! This was a great skirt to wear on our holiday to make it through the steamy hot days.

Thankfully my inlaws survived the floods with no damage to their house at all, except for the loss of the contents of their fridge and freezers due to the electricity being off for a few days. Which is nothing compared to what others have experienced, so to keep karma on side we shall be making a donation to the relief effort.


  1. Hello, good to hear that you are well despite the floods, like the skirt and hair again. Hugs

    Eilan - Brazil

    (sorry for any mistake, do not speak their language and am using a google translator)
    Olá, que bom ouvir que vocês estão bem apesar das inundações, gostei da saia e do cabelo novo. Abraços

    Eilane - Brasil

    (desculpe algum erro, não falo sua lingua e estou usando um tradutor google)

  2. Gladto hear you and your inlaws are well despite the flooding. Like how you remade the skirt. Much more flattering. I have a 'little' collection of UFOs too... Hehe.

  3. Glad you are ok - the news of the flooding is just so awful.
    How smart is your redo of that skirt?! I like it. Well done.

  4. Your skirt looks great! Maybe sewers are divided into planners and whimmers (I'm a whimmer). Sewing with the whim is good!Sewing is so enjoyable when you are enthused about what you are making isn't it, and so NOT when you are looking at something that feels like a chore as it has been sitting there for a while or feels like work!

  5. You deserve some very hearty congratulations for not accumulating a single UFO all year! That is a solid accomplishment, and it even sounds like you're not suffering too much from your new good habits (although of course nobody likes to make a dog to begin with..).
    Good to hear you don't have too much flood damage either, I read somewhere that Australia would be at risk till March or so and just flipped out..

  6. Great idea! I love this - I've thought of making a couple of my projects similar to this!

  7. Sooo happy to hear that your in-laws are doing well... I checked out some web pic's of the flooding zone and am sick for all those poor people.
    You were right to re-do the skirt, the ony thing I can think of with the pattern is to add extra to it to try again... but so good that you have managed to bi-pass the UFO!
    Whim are good! Some of my best sewing is on a whim! Enjoy the new year!

  8. I like the way the skirt turned out. I've been attempting to clear my sewing room of UFOs this week. It's a good feeling.

  9. You look so relaxed on your holiday. Pretty skirt.

  10. Love how you fixed your skirt, looks much better and yes very cool for those humid days.

  11. Great save on the skirt and I'm glad your in-laws are okay!

  12. Great job with your skirt save!
    And that is good news that your inlaws are fine!
    Wishing you lots of happy sewing in 2011! and keep the Anna stories coming!

  13. I love the skirt! It's beautiful!

  14. Huge difference in the skirt! Nice save.

  15. Lovely photo of you on holiday! Your skirt does look better, and I like how you have styled it too.
    No UFO's is an admirable goal - I have two from last year to finish off. I also want to rework a few wardrobe items that I never wear because they are not quite right, and a simple fix will make them wearable again!
    Glad to hear your family is flood free.
