
Monday 29 March 2010

attack of the giant easter bunny!

Alternatively, this blog post could have been titled "I hasz sewing skilsz?".

First sewing failure (this week peeps, not first one ever!): I've been working all week on finishing another UFO but I think I've totally butchered it, which is really really annoying me because it is the jacket part of a two piece suit, and I've finished the skirt and you all know how I like to be matchy matchy! So I put it down to regroup before trying to salvage it.

Second sewing failure: I had a rare few hours of baby wrangling free time on Saturday afternoon, because my husband volunteered to take Anna to watch his old cricket team play in the grand finals (both of them out of my hair yay!). So I put the botched UFO aside and started working on a BWOF dress (yeah I know it's burda something or other now but I like acronyms). Got totally stumped by the usual less than illucidating BWOF instructions and really needed to research on Pattern Review to see what others had to say. But I didn't want to spend my free afternoon on the internets, because you all know how strong a vacuum it is, with one blog leading to another, so I set the dress aside (momentarily, not for years) and was desperately searching for something, anything to sew before the little hurricane returned home.

Third sewing failure: y'all know it's easter this weekend right? Well since Anna is only 15 months old I don't want her to take part in the annual chocolate gorge fest just yet, so I decided to make her a little rabbit softie instead, softie being the newfangled term for stuffed toy. I decided to use this vintage Woman's Day pattern from the stash:

The above is the pattern wrap (no envelope) - it had really bad photocopied pictures, next to no instructions and the pattern pieces are those predating printed ones, but it sewed up really quickly and easily. I made a cute face but I clearly wasn't really paying much attention because I kept stuffing, stuffing and stuffing until I ran out of stuffing and then realised just how big this rabbit is:

It's not even completely stuffed but it's already bigger than all the pillows on my lounge. I guess I really should have figured it out when I cut out the base piece and it is as big as a dinner plate. It is ginormous! After my husband stopped laughing he said it looked creepy, and even the dog gave a little whine and backed away from it. Plus, I used a button for it's nose thinking Anna was old enough now to be trusted with buttons, but no, the first thing she did when she saw it was try to bite the button off!

So evil bunny on steroids is going to be de-stuffed and put in the scraps bag. I have however googled bunny softie patterns and there are about a gajillion of them out there, so I'm sure I'll find a suitable subtitute.

And just a note to my future self, don't ever think of making these patterns, which also reside in the pattern hoard:


  1. Oh dear! Well I hope you had a nice glass of wine or tub of icecream (or both) to makeup for all of that!

  2. Oh my word! I have that goose. Yep, the one from the pattern with the lion. One of my aunts made it for my Christmas gift in 1976 and it's still hanging around! That sucker is huge! And only slightly creepy!.

    Good luck on that bunny! I can't remember what I gave my daughter on her second Easter, but she would have been about the same age. My son, being the second and being 3.5 years younger than his sister, had chocolate. Too much of it, I'm sure!

  3. I just made two, both of which I love... and
    I highly recommend both patterns (my daughter is 16 mo, so you can tell scale...

  4. what a wonderful blog this is, I've had a really crap day at work and you've really cheered me up. I hope, despite your bunny probs, you and your family have a fantastic Easter. Cheers

  5. Mmm, it's rather Tim Burtonish, isn't it? Nightmare Before Easter....?


  6. Coming out of hiding. Thank you for the morning laugh! That bunny is absolutely hilarious. And to make it even more hilarious, the blog word verication for my comment I'm submitting right now is "mutants". So appropriate!

    Love your blog btw...
